Long ago
In a stable dark,
A little babe was born,
And hope came to
This darkened world
That blessed Christmas morn.
From Adam’s time
The curse came down,
And all creation groaned.
A God-shaped void
In all men’s hearts
And for his soul__ no home.
Through Adam’s choice,
God ordained a time
That Satan’s wiles would rule…
To allow for man
Himself, to see
Satan’s scheme as dark and cruel.
Through sin, man’s heart
Was altered,
He could not see his pain
As coming from
His own wrong choice…
On God, he placed the blame.
God promised,
The day He gave the curse
That He someday would redeem…
His word proclaimed
His creation to save
Through the birth of His Son__ the King.
Down through the ages
Man went his way
Though God’s word was strong and clear…
His grace extended
To all who chose
In His power and name to fear.
Then one night in a stable,
Dark and dirty
As heart’s full of sin…
A tiny child
Was born to a world
That offered no more room than the inn.
The angels sang…
The shepherds kneeled…
The wisemen traveled far…
All to see a child
Whose destiny
Was a Cross of pain and scars.
And today,
Men still are puzzled…
“Why would I a Savior need?”
Their hearts are dark…
Their minds are dim…
They were weaned on Satan’s creed.
In the quiet
Of a thoughtful moment
When, unwilling,
We admit our need__
We know the relationship’s broken,
His offer
We know we must heed.
His return is quickly approaching__
Long prophesied
More than His birth__
The Hope of the Ages__
To a world forlorn__
He is God__ His judgment is sure.
The Savior,
To know all our trials,
As a baby, chose to be born…
So come on your knees to the stable__
To the hope
Of that first Christmas morn!
Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston-Holtman & 2MefromHim Ministries, 2011. All rights reserved. Do not use without permission of author.
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