With Music in Their Hearts – Meet Carole Brown

Posted by on Jan 2, 2015 | 10 comments

With Music in Their Hearts – Meet Carole Brown

My guest today is multi-published, award-winning author, Carole Brown. I first became aware of her through my publisher, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. She is an interesting lady that I know you will enjoy meeting!

Enter to win her latest book, With Music in Their Hearts on the Rafflecopter at the end of the interview! The contest runs through January 8th!


Fabulous Fridays!


Carole, I am so excited to have you as my guest today! I’d like to know who was the first author who inspired you to write?

I’ve loved so many books as a child and grew into Emily Loring, Grace Livingstone Hill, Louis LaMour, Victoria Holt, Dorothy Gillman, Jane Austen, and lots more, including the classical authors, that has stirred my heart and given my imagination a wider span of wings for my own books.


Tell us a little about your latest book.  How did you come up with the idea for With Music in Their Hearts?With Music in Their Hearts

My mother shared stories of her growing up years and I poured over photos I found, that planted a desire in my heart to write my own WWII novel. When an older acquaintance told of a story of a civilian spy but never revealed WHO he was, I knew that a civilian spy would be a great basis for a novel.

It’s the first historical I’ve written, and I confess, I’ve had a fascination with this era for a long time.


Carole, how much of yourself you write into your characters.

Nothing major, but I know I write into novels things and objects that interest me. Owning a boarding house sounds like a fun thing to do, given the right tenants, of course! Lol. So it came as a perfect setting for a foreign spy hiding from a civilian. Plus there are a lot of suspects to choose from!


With Music in Their Hearts is set during WWII. What is your favorite period in history and why?

I already mentioned that the WWII era is probably my favorite with a close second to being contemporary and the late 1800s. Who knows where I’ll go next although I do have a contemporary romantic suspense that is longing for publication. Soon maybe.

The 1940s was such a romantic, exciting era. I loved the loyalty of the men joining the service, sure it would be a short war. I loved the bravery and loyalty of the women stepping up to serve in the factories left vacant by the men enlisting in droves. New ideas, clothing styles, the sacrifices, the music and catchy phrases and words: so many things that captured my interest!


If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

Not really sure, but probably another writer (excepting Jesus, of course!). So many of them with whom to spend time and “pick” their thoughts and brains! Lol


You have several books out; tell us briefly about them?

The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman is a women’s fiction with strong elements of suspense and romance. It deals with abuse within a cult, revenge and redemption. A tough subject, yes, but a vital one in today’s world. It’s available on Amazon and most other online stores too. I have readers asking for a second book, and I’ve got an idea. Just not sure when I’ll get the time to write it!

Then I have the first book of the Denton and Alex Davies mystery series out, called Hog Insane; set in Tennessee. It’s about a couple who travel in their RV with their dog, Taffy, an interest in fishing, traveling, mystery novels, and shoes! Their travels seem to land them straight into mystery after mystery. The second book should have already been released, but I hope to have it ready for publication by late winter. It’s called Bat Crazy and set in New Mexico. The third one will be Daffy’s Duck and probably be set in the Northwest. J

I have many other books lined up, some ready to go; some that need completed.


You have written in more than one genre. Does that create any special benefits or challenges?

It keeps my attention and interest. I move from one to another if I reach a place where I’m stuck for a bit. Gives me a break and I can come back to the story fresh and with renewed vigor to finish!


What is the most exciting part of being able to interact with your readers?

I love it when they want more from me. Even if I can’t give them the book they want at the moment (and I’m talking like a second book I hadn’t planned on immediately), it’s a good feeling to know someone(s) want to read more from you.

Secondly, I like knowing that my novels can encourage or make a difference in someone’s life. Although not of them are serious and intense, I try to convey a message in each that should/could resonate with others.


With Music in Their Heart Blurb:

Angry at being rejected for military service, Minister Tyrell Walker accepts the call to serve as a civilian spy within his own country. Across the river from Cincinnati, Ohio, a spy working for a foreign country is stealing secret plans for newly developed ammunition to be used in the war. According to his FBI cousin, this spy favors pink stationery giving strong indications that a woman is involved.


He’s instructed to obtain a room in the Rayner Boarding House run by the lovely, spunky red-haired Emma Jaine Rayner. Sparks of jealousy and love fly between them immediately even as they battle suspicions that one or the other is not on the up and up.


While Tyrell searches for the murdering spy who reaches even into the boarding home, Emma Jaine struggles with an annoying renter, a worried father (who could be involved in this spy thing), and two younger sisters who are very different but just as strong willed as she is.


As Tyrell works to keep his double life a secret and locate the traitor, he refuses to believe that Emma Jaine could be involved even when he sees a red-haired woman in the arms of another man. Could the handsome and svelte banker who’s also determined to win Emma Jaine’s hand for marriage, be the dangerous man he’s looking for? Is the trouble-making renter who hassles Emma Jaine serving as a flunky? Worse, is Papa Rayner so worried about his finances and keeping his girls in the style they’re used to, that he’ll stoop to espionage?


Will their love survive the danger and personal issues that arise to hinder the path of true love?


Excerpt from Chapter One

A vehicle’s tires spinning gravel behind him warned him he’d not lost the black car. Slowing. Creeping. Engine purring. Only a few feet separated him from the car and making a sudden decision, he jogged around the corner and hugged the building trying to put distance between it. The car’s tires squealed as the car sped up. The driver took the corner, gravel crunching and spinning into the air.

They must have spotted him for the driver braked, throwing the passenger forward. Tyrell flung himself at the car and grabbed for the door handle.

The window slid down.

Something tugged at his arm.

And the handle tore from his grasp as the car accelerated.

The seemingly belated, reverberating crack of a gun vibrated the air around him.

The car spun around a far corner, and Tyrell reached up to rub his stinging arm. The sticky wetness drew his attention.

Blood. He saw the tear in his coat sleeve, the minute traces of blood oozing.

He’d been shot?

Why would they—whoever they were—want to shoot at him? It was a scratch, and they’d been close enough to kill him if they’d wanted to.

They didn’t want to. What were they after? A scare tactic? To warn him away? From what? Perhaps all this was a coincidence, a figment of his active imagination.

No sign of the car. Satisfied he was rid of them, he entered the hotel. At the reception desk, he filled out the necessary papers, climbed the stairs, and headed down the hallway.


Carole BrownAbout the author:

Brown not only has her award winning (Nominated for an Epic Award, RWA International Digital Awards finalist in Inspiration, Laurel Award finalist, Selah finalist; Genesis semi-finalist) debut novel, The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman, available for purchase now, but a companion book called West Virginia Scrapbook: From the Life of Caralynne Hayman, filled with tidbits of information about West Virginia, quotes, recipes from West Virginia and from Caralynne’s life, pictures and discussion questions for the novel.


November, 2013, the first book in her mystery series, Hog Insane, released. It’s a fun, lighthearted novel introducing the characters, Denton and Alex Davies. Look for the second book, Bat Crazy, late 2014 winter.


Released November 1, 2014, is the first book in a new WWII romantic suspense series: With Music In Their Hearts. Three red-headed sisters. Three spies. Three stories.


Besides being a member and active participant of many writing groups, Carole Brown enjoys mentoring beginning writers. She loves to weave suspense and tough topics into her books, along with a touch of romance and whimsy, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons?

Find Carole’s book at:

With Music in Their Heart

Kindle Link:   http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OVFWA5S?pldnSite=1

Print Link:    http://www.amazon.com/Music-Their-Hearts-Spies-World/dp/1941622038/ref=sr_1_1_twi_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1415113865&sr=1-1&keywords=With+Music+in+Their+Hearts

Connect with her here:

Personal blog: http://sunnebnkwrtr.blogspot.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CaroleBrown.author

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/browncarole212

Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sunnywrtr/boards/

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/5237997-carole-brown

Carole is also am part of several other blogs:

Stitches in Time:  http://stitchesthrutime.blogspot.com/

Barn Door Book Loft: http://www.barndoorbookloft.net/
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I find it interesting that Carole Brown writes multiple genres at the same time. Alternating as she needs to think about another one.

  2. I find that interesting also, Robin. It is something I would love to do, so I am very interested in getting to know someone who has accomplished it.

  3. Robin and Norma, I know some find it hard to do that, but I enjoy and like it. Keeps my interest high and seems to work well for me. I do have to review a few chs but to be honest, I usually do anyhow when I began work again. 🙂

    • Since I thrive on research and have some awesome material via family stories, I am hoping to try in the near future!

  4. Carole is a talented author. I love her novels. Check her out, I promise you won’t be disappointed! I can’t wait to read Bat Crazy 🙂

    • Thanks for stopping by, Sherry!

    • Thanks, Sherry. Hoping it will release before Spring! 🙂

  5. Her inspirations.

    • Thanks for stopping by! It is a fun interview!

  6. Glad you stopped by, Lois!

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