An attitude of acceptance is something I struggle with often. Sometimes life is difficult and unfair. Joseph experienced terrible trials, yet his attitude remained pristine. I learn a new lesson each time I read his story, as well as being reminded that my attitude needs some adjustment. I would love to hear your comments!
2MefromHim Devotional
Attitude of Acceptance
“…The Lord was with him and the Lord gave Him success in everything he did….” Genesis 39:3
Plotting to kill someone in rage and jealousy, the story could be news any day of the week in any city in America. Our world has become filled with unspeakable acts of violence and hatred for fellow human beings—total disregard for human life and well-being. Yet, the story of Joseph, sold by his brothers because there was more profit in selling him as a slave than in killing him, comes straight from Genesis.
I am no stranger to a bad attitude. My anger most often arises because I think someone trampled on my rights. I say things that hurt others when I attempt to repay the hurt they caused me. My response results in hurtful words, hateful looks, broken relationships, and shattered lives.
Genesis records that the Lord prospered Joseph in everything he did, even though he remained in slavery. He was grateful for what he had, not wallowing in self-pity for what he lacked. The Lord granted him such success that his master recognized God was with him. The Lord showed him favor and kindness in prison. Joseph became second in command to the most powerful ruler in the world.
What an attitude of trust and acceptance Joseph exhibits. What grace he must have shown through submission to those in authority. What humility he must have demonstrated, understanding God was more concerned with developing his character than easing his circumstances.
God blessed Joseph’s acceptance and obedience in situations he did not deserve. He regarded God’s control of all things with such peace that he forgave his brothers for the terrible injustice they had wrought upon him.
The story of Joseph convicts me that my attitude before the Lord must be right before others will see Him reflected in me. Rebellion and grumbling hurt my witness, the people I love, and me.
As believers, we must choose daily to allow God to bless others through an attitude of gratitude, submission, and acceptance. We can’t control the actions of others, but we can control our reaction to them.
© By Norma Gail Thurston Holtman, September 30, 2011, and August 7, 2017
Norma Gail is the author of the contemporary Christian romance, Land of My Dreams, winner of the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 40 years. They have two adult children.
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Book Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Land-My-Dreams-Norma-Gail/dp/1941103170
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