Memorial Day is a time for honoring our military heroes who died in service to our country. My dear friend, and guest, Fran Pasch illustrates how just like a parade, which often saves the best entry till last, God did the same.
2MefromHim Devotionals
He is not here; he has risen. Luke 24:6
As a child, I always loved going to the Memorial Day parade. My brother and I would sit on the edge of the sidewalk and watch with excitement as different groups of marchers passed by.
Military and school bands, dressed in a variety of different uniforms, kept in step as they serenaded the crowd. Local scout troops marched behind their leaders, and beautifully decorated floats added a special touch to the festivities. Fire engines and police cars passed by, polished to perfection. Vendors sold candy, ice cream, and soda—a refreshing treat in the hot sun.
The parade lasted three hours and ended with a spectacular float display. The committee always saved the best for last.
On Good Friday, people lined the streets as Jesus walked the road to Calvary, but unlike the happy crowd at a parade, many were mourning and lamenting. Others shouted obscenities.
Instead of a precision march, Jesus struggled beneath the weight of the cross. He had no fancy uniform, just tattered clothes covering His bloody, whip-stained body.
Instead of a victory celebration at the end, His executioners brutally nailed Jesus to the cross. Instead of a cool drink to quench His thirst, they offered Him vinegar. Instead of applauding, as parade watchers do, the crowd cast lots for His garments and sneered at Him saying, “If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself.” But little did they know that all of this was part of God’s plan.
Like my childhood parade that lasted three hours and ended with a special attraction, the crucifixion also lasted three hours. But the finale did not occur immediately. Three days later, to the amazement of all, the most spectacular event took place—the resurrection.
Like the parade committee, God saved the best for last!
How often do we share God’s gift of eternal life with others? Let’s think of ways to tell others about the gospel so that none will be lost.
© Copyright Frances Gregory Pasch
About the author:
Fran has lived in New Jersey all of her life. She attended Georgian Court College in Lakewood, New Jersey, which is now a university. She has a B.S. in Business Administration. She married her husband, Jim, in 1958. They have five grown sons and nine grandchildren. Her first book was published in December 2013, a month after my 80th birthday. Double Vision: Seeing God in Everyday Life through Devotions and Poetry is a collection of 30 devotions, each paired with a poem on the same topic. It is a double eye-opener, two ways of looking at the same spiritual truth. Each individual devotion and matching poem could be used as a short Bible study.
Follow Fran at her website: http://www.francesgregorypasch.com/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Double-Vision-Everyday-Through-Devotions/dp/193849993X
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas: http://store.lpcbooks.com/product/double-vision-2/
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/double-vision-frances-gregory-pasch/1117955814?ean=9781938499937
This is a beautiful analogy Fran. As I read I kept thinking about the criminal who hung beside Jesus on the cross. He asked the Lord to remember him in paradise. I like to think of that as re-member — put me back together Lord. What a truly memorial day that will be.