My guest this week is Elaine Marie Cooper, author of Bethany’s Calendar, the moving memoir of her daughter’s battle with cancer, as well as four previous books of historical fiction. Don’t miss the book giveaway at the end!
Fabulous Fridays
Welcome, Elaine!
Thank you for having me as your guest!
When did you first begin writing?
When I was about eleven-years-old. It seems most writers that I know felt the desire to put pen in hand and create from an early age. I tackled poetry, short stories and a television script. I’m certain each of these would have found their way to a publisher’s rejection pile! LOL
You have previous fiction titles in print, but Bethany’s Calendar is your first non-
fiction title, as well as being a very personal story. Tell us what spurred you to write it.
I honestly did not want to write Bethany’s Calendar and resisted even entertaining the thought. But at a writer’s conference in 2011, I felt the Lord clearly directing me to share my daughter’s story. It says in 2 Corinthians 1:4 that we are to comfort others with the same comfort Christ gives to us when we are in need. I began to focus, not just on my own loss, but on the grief that so many experience when losing a loved one. That gave me the impetus to tell our story, in hopes of helping other families and caregivers.
What do you hope readers of Bethany’s Calendar will come away with after reading your story?
I pray that readers will take away something that will equip them with ideas—tips to either help their loved one or help someone else going through the difficult journey of cancer or any serious illness. When you are faced with such unexpected scenarios, you feel helpless and vulnerable. I pray Bethany’s Calendar offers hope, help, and a little humor along the way. J
Often times, we as writers learn through the words that flow from our pen (or keyboard, as the case may be). Was there something significant that you learned while writing Bethany’s story that you can share with your readers?
I learned that writing a memoir is a very delicate project. You don’t want to write it to reflect badly on others (and when it does, you must keep them anonymous!), but to evaluate what God taught you through the events. And I learned that crying and grieving are never over after a deep loss. But, as my last line in Bethany’s Calendar states, “Never fear the tears—only fear missing out on God’s will for your life.”
Obviously, this book was very difficult to write. Do you have plans for any other non-fiction books?
Not at the present time. But who knows what plans the Lord may have in store? I want to be open to His will, not mine. At the moment, Bethany’s Calendar has opened up opportunities for speaking events, which is a new part of my platform. I am grateful that this book is able to minister to so many.
Who was the first author who inspired you to write?
The author who inspired me to write Christian fiction was Karen Kingsbury. I had always preferred reading nonfiction. But one summer I was recovering from shoulder surgery and my niece suggested I read Karen’s books while I recovered. I read one, then two. By the time I had recovered, I’d devoured 13 of her books!
She was the first author who showed me how you can take the difficult situations in real life and weave threads of faith and hope through the story. Karen Kingsbury does it so well.
What are three things most people don’t know about you?
- I am not an adrenaline junkie; I much prefer quiet activities.
- I am terrible at sports
- I type one-handed, due to nerve damage in my left hand (but I’m pretty fast with one hand!)
What advice do you have for other writers or those contemplating getting into writing?
Read books about the craft. Find a local writer’s group. Mostly, attend writer’s conferences and connect with others who love words as much as you do.
What do you see as the most important accomplishment of your life so far?
My three children.
Tell us something about your other books and what is on the horizon for you.
Fields of the Fatherless, my newest historical, is based on a true story that occurred in 1775 in my hometown in Massachusetts. God has blessed this young adult fictional tale with several awards and I am so grateful to Him. I have a three part historical fiction series, The Deer Run Saga, that is currently going through re-edits and new cover designs. I am so excited that this series will have new life through CrossRiver Media!
My current writing project is nearly complete and involves characters in the Battle of Saratoga in 1777. Then part 2 follows those characters’ descendants in 1977, who happen to connect during an anniversary re-enactment. It is in the genre of historical romantic suspense. I am so excited about this new manuscript and hope to see it birthed as a book sometime in the future.
Book blurb:
In January of 2002, Elaine’s world flipped upside down. What started out as a beautiful New Year for the mom of three, turned into a living nightmare when her 23-year-old daughter, Bethany was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor.
In the months to come, Elaine not only used her nurse’s training, she learned to recognize the hand of God on her daughter’s life. Bethany’s Calendar tells the story of Elaine and Bethany’s journey and the many ways God helped their family to survive. It is a story of fear and faith, commitment and compassion, told with gut-wrenching honesty while sharing unwavering faith in God.
Elaine Marie Cooper is the author of Bethany’s Calendar, a nonfiction memoir of her daughter’s battle with brain cancer. Her usual genre is historical fiction. Her latest release, Fields of the Fatherless is based on a true event that occurred the first day of the American Revolution. Elaine’s passions are her faith, her family, and the history of the Revolutionary War. Her work has appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies.
Connect with Elaine:
Website: www.elainemariecooper.com
Facebook Author Page: http://www.facebook.com/ElaineMarieCooperAuthor
Links to Bethany’s Calendar:
Paperback: http://buff.ly/12izRBy
Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QXY38F6
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3493243.Elaine_Marie_Cooper
Twitter: @elainemcooper
Other: elainemariecooper@yahoo.com
Elaine is such an inspiration. I am also impressed you type with one hand. Not sure if I could get much accomplished like that. I enjoyed reading your interview. Love your books, too.
Dear Laura, thank you so much! I treasure your input and God has graciously blessed me with a hand that is quite fast so I don’t feel like I am behind. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. Always so nice to “see” you!
I appreciate you stopping by, Laura!
I would love to read Elaine’s book. Just reading this interview shows how her words flow effortlessly. Haven’t talked to you in a while, Elaine. it’s always great to see what new books you are writing.
Thanks for stopping by, Lorilyn!
Hi Lorilyn! So great to hear from you! It would be fun to do a “virtual sitdown” and catch up. 😉 I pray the Lord is blessing your writing and hope we can connect at a writer’s conference. Are you going to Blue Ridge by any chance?
That’s a great interview. I am glad Elaine wrote the book. So many people are facing the horrors of cancer and need the comfort of someone who went before them. It sounds like a wonderful book to read.
Thanks for stopping by! I know it is going to minister to many!
It helps to know that others can survive the pain and terrible trial. I pray that “Bethany’s Calendar” blesses you.
What a relevant book, for who isn’t touched by cancer and/or crisis. Elaine Cooper’s books are winning awards and I would be blessed to read her memoir. Thanks.
I agree. Cancer touches everyone in some way. Blessings!
Thank you so much, Elaine. You are so correct in that we are all touched by cancer and loss. I pray that my family’s journey brings healing to others by helping them lean on the Lord for HIS strength. He was our Source of hope and comfort. Thanks so much for commenting. Blessings!
I really enjoyed the interview love to read the book.
Thanks for stopping by, Diana! Have a blessed week!
Dear Diana, I’m so pleased you enjoyed my interview and I pray that you will be blessed by reading “Bethany’s Calendar.” Thank you for stopping by and commenting!