Nailing Your Character’s Personality
How do you take the characters in your head and turn them into believable people on the page? This week we will look at some practical questions to ask yourself about the imaginary people that inhabit your writer’s mind. Nailing your character’s personality will make your story come to life in the minds of your readers.
Read MoreWhy Do I Need a Platform by Andrea Merrell
How do people find out who you are when you’re an unknown author? Why does everyone ask if you have a platform? My guest this week, author and editor, Andrea Merrell, gives the basics on building an author platform.
Read MoreAuthor Cooperation
This week we take a look at the importance of cooperating with and showing respect for other authors and for factual information, whether you write non-fiction or fiction. Build a reputation for accuracy, as well as respect for the truth and your fellow authors.
Read MoreCharacters Interacting with Setting
Today, we take a look at how characters interacting the the setting of the story can work together to draw your readers in and make them feel like they are taking part in the action.
Read MoreThe Distinctive Speech of Your Characters
Today we look at how an author can create characters with distinctive speech patterns to illustrate their origin from different regions or countries. I hope you enjoy it! Other ideas? Share a comment!
Read MoreBreathing Life into the Characters in Your Head
Today we look at how a little research and creative thinking can assist you in breathing life into the characters inside your head.
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