It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day, checking things off a list and moving on. Sometimes we need to remember that God’s checklist from our day might look different than our own. My guest, Alisha Ritchie takes a look at what Changing My Checklist involves.
2MefromHim Devotionals
Let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust. Make me know the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. Psalm 143:8 ESV
I love summertime with my two kids. It’s a wonderful chance to take a break from the normal school routine and make rest and relaxation a priority. However, my teenage children sometimes take the rest and relaxation part a bit to the extreme. Hence I have incorporated the checklist into their daily routines.
I love checklists! I make one for myself almost daily to help guide me in the tasks, large and small, that need to be accomplished. I love the feeling I get when marking through items on the piece of paper. And at the end of the day, if everything’s completed, I am overjoyed with a sense of success.
So a few days out of the week, I make a separate checklist for my son and daughter with chores or tasks that need to be done. Surprisingly, my children usually complete their lists without too much complaining. Secretly I think they enjoy checking off their items, too.
As much as I love checklists and how they keep me on task, the Bible warns not to get too caught up in what’s on my agenda for the day. After all, as a Christian, it’s not really about my to-do list at all- it’s about God’s to-do list. What does God have in store for me to do today? Are there people I need to talk to or places I need to go that aren’t necessarily on my handwritten list? If my eyes are too focused on what I want or need to do, I may just be missing out on tremendous blessings God wants to give me by following His will for my life.
Instead of being diligent with checklists, I long to pray as David did in Psalm, for God’s unfailing love and words to be brought each morning. I aspire to let Him guide the direction I should go, putting my complete trust in Him.
The Lord has a plan for me, and you, to be carried out each day. Go ahead and make a checklist to help remind you of important tasks needing to be done, but be flexible enough to drift away from the list if God is calling you elsewhere.
“Heavenly Father, thank you for this morning you have blessed me with. Make Your path known to me today, that I may follow the direction You want me to go. Help me get accomplish the needed tasks but let Your Holy Spirit be the deciding factor on what is truly important for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Copyright Alisha Ritchie
Alisha Ritchie is a wife, mother of two wonderful children, Physical Therapy Assistant by profession, and dedicated church member and Sunday School teacher. She resides in the small town of Stanfield, North Carolina, where she enjoys writing, spending time with her children, and ministering to others through her work and small group Bible studies. You can read more of her writing on www.christiandevotions.us.
Excellent post!
Thanks so much, Joy! Hope you have a wonderful day!