When troubles come it is typical to question and wonder, but the most important thing we can do is trust. Like the old song, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” If we are in fellowship with God we are safe. Even in the midst of the darkest trials there is hope for believers, cradled safely in the palms of God’s hands.
2MefromHim Devotional
You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. Job 11:18
The massive jolt sent my car whirling around, bouncing off one curb and then the other. My only thought during the 360 degree spin was that I would be badly hurt or dead. When the spinning stopped I sat still, breathing in and out, assessing the damage, but nothing hurt.
My beloved red Jeep sat crosswise in the eastbound lanes, while the other car which had been heading south, faced north in the westbound lanes. When the other driver stepped from his vehicle, I breathed a prayer of thanks. A kind man knocked on my window to ask if I was all right. I was. Two cars were totaled, but two drivers walked away. Wow God thanks was my only thought.
Life is full of mishaps. Some we escape with a little damage, others leave us forever changed. I have no clue why my dear old Jeep had to be totaled, but it didn’t surprise God. A new red Jeep sits in my garage, and I am very grateful. I am even more grateful when I consider that I could be dead or seriously injured. I serve a loving God.
I picture God’s hands, cupped together, cradling me gently within His palms like a little bird, safe and unharmed. How loving and kind my heavenly Father is to reveal Himself in the midst of frightening circumstances. I may not understand why things happen as they do, but God will use them to reveal Himself if I look for Him.
Scripture says I will find God when I seek Him with my whole heart. He wants to be known by me, and when I look He will reveal His love and protection. He desires that I spend time with Him. God will go to any lengths to get my attention and remind me that He is in control when everything seems out of control.
It is important to seek God in the midst of trials, to rest in His arms and envision myself nestled in the safety of His “everlasting arms.” With Jesus as my Savior I cannot wander to a place where there is no hope. The lasting impression I will carry away from my accident is that nothing can snatch me from the safety of God’s hands.
© Norma Gail Thurston Holtman, July 1, 2015
About the author:
Norma Gail’s contemporary Christian romance, Land of My Dreams, released in 2014. She is a Bible study leader, and writes devotionals for ChristianDevotions.us, StitchesthruTime blog, and “The Secret Place.” She belongs to American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, and the New Mexico Christian Novelists. She is married and has two adult children.
Connect with Norma:
Website: www.normagail.org
Book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQbZIoC_JSE
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorNormaGail
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/Norma_Gail
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/norma-gail-thurston-holtman/42/71a/3b2
Book Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Land-My-Dreams-Norma-Gail/dp/1941103170
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/land-of-my-dreams-norma-gail/1119606864?ean=9781941103173
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas Bookstore: http://store.lpcbooks.com/product/land-of-my-dreams/
Psalm 91 – “…he that dwelleth in the secret place of the God Most High..” 😀
Thank you for sharing! I love that scripture!