I Can, But Will I? by Marcie Bridges

Posted by on Dec 28, 2015 | 2 comments

I Can, But Will I? by Marcie Bridges

We all struggle to do what we should. My guest, Marcie Warner Bridges, shares how Jesus will give us the strength to say “I can”.  

2MefromHim Devotional

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.  Philippians 4:13 (NIV)

It’s the addiction you can’t get rid of.

The sin you can’t let go of.

Deep down, you want to. You need to. Even have to get rid of it. But…

The excuses come and go. The busiest day of the week becomes tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will…

Start a new diet. Stop smoking. Save money. Eat healthy. Exercise again. And the list goes on.

But tomorrow comes. And goes. No changes take place.

The soul that was already tired, weary, worn and torn caves in even more. Somewhere inside death begins to take over and scars begin to emerge.

But Jesus bids you to come…

Hey! Did you hear that? Listen closely… “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”. Yeah, I heard it too.

Funny, I memorized this verse as a child. Didn’t you? It means what it says doesn’t it? Here’s the thing…

It says, “I CAN!”

But, will you?

And you say, “Will I what?”

Will you let Christ give you the strength to do what you need to do to be the person He is calling you to be?I Can But Will I 2

No! No! No! I’m not talking about just quoting a verse and going on with the day. I’m talking about asking God to not only give you the strength to do it, but that you will allow Him to be that strength.

Okay, I get it. You don’t have a clue what I am talking about. So it’s like this: I reach for that chocolate that I feel I need to get through the day but I don’t really need it.  It’s my addiction. So as I reach, what do I do? Do I go ahead and eat it? Well, yes. I could. OR, remember that God has given me the strength to snatch my hand away; to walk away from it. Or maybe He gives me the strength to say no, and throw the whole bag away.

Maybe it isn’t chocolate. Maybe it is food in general. Maybe it is cleaning the house. Maybe, just maybe, it is getting out of bed in the morning to face another impossible day.

Whatever it is, will you rise up and take the strength God gives you and walk in Him? God’s grace is sufficient for you.

Oh, soul tired, weary, worn and torn

Come renew your strength once more

Let Christ’s power fill your veins

Walk not fainting, Run not wearied

Soar on wings as eagles

In His strength alone today.

You CAN do ALL things through Christ Who gives you strength…but, will you?

~Marcell Warner Bridges

©11 September 2014

About the author:

Marcie Warner Bridges 2Marcell Warner Bridges is wife, mother, and currently a student at Lenoir-Rhyne University studying for her Bachelors of Arts in English. Marcell has been writing poetry since a young age and desires to encourage others in their walk with Christ through the written word. Marcell has been published in several anthologies and frequently shares her work through her blog: Heart Thoughts http://marcieheartthoughts.blogspot.com/

Connect with Marcie:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mwbheartthoughts/?fref=ts

Twitter: @Marcie_Bridges

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/MarcieBrid/


  1. I LOVE this 🙂 Especially this: “I’m talking about asking God to not only give you the strength to do it, but that you will allow Him to be that strength.” Thanks Marcie. And thank you Norma for sharing Marcie’s wisdom with us.

    • Thank you Nan, I am so happy it blessed you. 🙂

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