My guest today is Carol Stratton, author of Lake Surrender. Comment on the review by 10/30 for a chance to win a signed copy of Lake Surrender!
Welcome Carol, tell us a little about yourself, especially some things we might not know about you.
I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area with three siblings. I lived in Mexico City when I was thirteen as an exchange student and learned Spanish which now is very rusty but it taught me to be independent and to appreciate other cultures. I also lived in New Zeeland for about four months as I attended Capernwray Bible School in, Auckland. It truly is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
How and when did you begin to write?
I had my first essay published in 6th grade in our town newspaper in a column called, Youth Said It. I got the bug and started sending things out to women’s magazines with no success. It wasn’t until my four children were almost out of the house that I decided to revisit my desire to write. My first big article was published in a little paper in Zionsville, Indiana and described my view of 9/11. I’ve now written hundreds of articles and work as a newspaper reporter in my town.
Can you give our readers a short description of Lake Surrender?
My first novel is about a career editor who loses her marriage, house and job. As a single parent of a precocious pre-teen and an autistic son, she’s forced to find a more inexpensive place to live than the San Francisco Bay Area. She ends up in Northern Michigan working as a cook at a dilapidated Christian camp. She can’t cook and right-wing religious types really irritate her. But God woes her as she discovers her journey ends where her life begins. I really put this girl through the wringer!
What led you to write Lake Surrender?
I have a degree in Recreation Therapy and love working with all kinds of disabled children. A few years ago I was a teacher’s aide in an autistic classroom and saw the rewards of being able to enter their private worlds. I also observed the difficulties these parents face every day.
What are you working on now?
I am planning a small novella called, Lake Surrender Christmas.
Do you have any advice for beginning writers?
Writing is humbling. It took me 12 years to get my first book, a devotional, published, and I still have a novel with 33 rejections! But here’s what I learned along the way. First, realize that we aren’t our best editor. We don’t need to think we’ve arrived at a final manuscript after one or two drafts. We need a trusted, objective person give you feedback.
Second, we should share our ideas in a blog or newsletter. Yes, often for FREE. All writing that points to truth is precious to God whether it be a best seller or an encouraging email to a friend. It’s exciting to have my novel out there but I’ve enjoyed the journey and especially the fellowship of other writers.
How can my readers find out more about you and your work?
I have a blog on my website called, ChangingZipCodes.com. My claim to fame is that I’ve moved 22 times and lived to write about it. I’m also on once a week on 7Christiansblogspot.com.
I have a devotional for movers: http://tinyurl.com/cuwrcokdefault
And of course, Lake Surrender. http://tinyurl.com/onfnmla
I’m on Facebook: Carol Grace Stratton (Author page), Carol Stratton, and Changing Zip Codes.
Or Twitter: @Carolgstratton.
I’d love to hear from any of you.We are only a short link in time but with Christ it can be a strong link.
About the author:
Carol has been a freelance writer for 14 writing over 200 articles and is currently a reporter for the Mooresville Weekly. She has a degree in Recreation Therapy and has worked with autistic children in a classroom, an experience that inspired her to write about a woman with an autistic son.
She speaks at national writing conferences as well as MOPS and other women’s groups about personality temperaments, friendship and encouraging yourself.
Carol is married to her husband John who she calls her “muse” and has four grown children and four grandchildren. Currently she and her husband, John, live in Mooresville, North Carolina where she loves to hike and play guitar and mandolin while learning to love liver mush.
Lake Surrender looks like such an inspiring story. God certainly meets us wherever we are!!
Yes, God is faithful to supply our needs. Thanks for stopping by!
Thank you for allowing me to be on your blog. Blessings on your novel. I’d love to visit Scotland and have heritage. It’s an intriguing country!
Bless you, Carol! I hope all goes well with Lake Surrender! I am happy to help fellow LPC authors anytime.
Carol, I have a heart for autistic children also. I had the privilege of working with special needs for over 10 years. These kids taught me so much. I enjoyed your interview. Blessings on the success of your book.
This looks like a wonderful book. Thanks for introducing me to it. Good luck with it, Carol.
Congratulations, Mary! You are the winner of Lake Surrender! I will be emailing you for the information!
Thank you so very much. I e-mailed my address.
Thanks Nan, if you can get inside their world, you do learn a lot. Glad you could stop by.
Thanks Mary.