“It’s cancer.” Few words are more dreaded. Author and cancer survivor, Venita McCart shares hope and help to face the battle in her new book, “It’s Cancer” – Finding Help and Hope On the Road to Recovery. We would love to hear your comments! Also, sign in on the Rafflecopter for even more chances to win a copy!
Fabulous Fridays
Welcome, Venita! Please tell us something about yourself and what led to the writing of “It’s Cancer” – Finding Help and Hope On the Road to Recovery.
I was raised in a small town, Cabool, Missouri, by a great mom and dad with three brothers and two sisters. My husband Gary, and I attended high school together his senior year and my freshman year. We married soon after he returned from Viet Nam, and I graduated from high school. We moved to Illinois a year or two later, to work and raise our family. I owned an in-home childcare business for thirty four years, and loved it.
I have been a Christian since I was a child.
At the time I was diagnosed, I was bee-bopping my way through life knowing God, but not paying much attention. My husband and I had raised our family, retired from our jobs, and planned to do something part time after some travel.
At home one day, after an astounding, blessed experience with God, I received the call in which I was given my diagnosis.
Early on, I knew the battle would be as much psychological and physical. With peace that passed all understanding, I truly believed I would live. I eventually was assured in my heart that God would walk through it with me, whether I went on to live on earth or in heaven.
Friends and neighbors began hearing about me, and began reaching out to me, asking how to get through it, what they could do, and what I did to get through. After a recurrence in 2003, several continued to reach out to me for help, and a clear call came to my heart, to find a way to help those dealing with cancer.
I started my cancer support group, now called Faith Force in 2005. We continue to meet at least once a month. We have connected with hundreds of people from over thirty-five denominations, as well as many unchurched. I soon began receiving calls from different areas across the U.S. I had a yearning to reach more people but I knew I could only go so far, geographically.
Always loving to write, I realized I wanted to walk alongside those going through cancer in much the same way we walk with group attendees, in a book of practical helps and suggestions, speaking to how faith works in a real down to earth way, during this journey.
Tell us a little about your family.
Gary and I have a daughter, Shelly, married to Steve, our son, Gary Jr. and his wife, Michelle. We also have three granddaughters, Katrina, Ashlie, and Madison, and our grandson, Gary 3. Our youngest family members are our two great-grandchildren, Camron and Mya. They recently surprised us with a wonderful 50-year anniversary three-day-weekend celebration. They all, are not only the joy of our lives, they also know how to throw a party.
What are some truths God reinforced for you?
Oh my. So much.
Suffering is not always physical.
Our greatest need is spiritual.
The Lord will never leave me or forsake me.
He is a very present help in a time of trouble.
I can get through anything with Him.
He comes close to the brokenhearted.
There are some things truly not important in this life. It is good to learn which are, and which are not.
There is nothing more important than God first, and people next.
Heaven needs to be in our vision at all times.
Ultimately, everything is up to the Lord Jesus Christ.
What benefits do you hope readers will gain from “It’s Cancer” – Finding Help and Hope On the Road to Recovery?
It is my prayer that this book will touch hearts in such a way that readers discover and enjoy a healthier, on-going relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ during their journey through life.
What was the greatest problem/challenge you faced in writing this book?
The biggest effort for all of my life is to manage my pain, energy, endurance and stamina. To be smart about the use of my time and energy while balancing the load of writing the book and carrying the on-going cancer support ministry, was a huge challenge for me.
How would you like to inspire your readers?
Oh, I just want them to earnestly seek and find their joy in the Lord.
Do you have a favorite or signature Bible verse that was particularly meaningful during your own battle with cancer?
At one point in my trip, after a particularly troubling report, walking the floor for three days and nights in deep distress, I said the simple prayer, “Lord what can I do? I don’t know what to do,” when fragments of Romans 8:37-39 came to mind. With that, I was reassured that nothing can separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What do you enjoy doing when you are not writing?
Spending all the time I can with my husband, my children and grandchildren, my extended family, and my friends.
Please share one of your favorite passages from “It’s Cancer” – Finding Help and Hope On the Road to Recovery with us.
We don’t think about heaven much. Yet one thing cancer patients with life threatening diagnoses desperately need is a personal sense of its reality, not just knowledge of its reality. Because it is a reminder of death, heaven may seem too frightening or too far away, even to consider.
Quite the opposite is true. Without vision, people perish and hope deferred makes the heart sick. With a vision of our heavenly future, we are equipped with hope, abundant enough to meet life’s challenges. And the truth of glory in eternity far outweighs the burden of our current difficulties. (See Proverbs29:18; Proverbs 13:12; 2 Cor. 4:17)
Book Blurb:
Nobody chooses cancer. But when cancer turns your life upside down, you can find hope and help to face this challenge. Come alongside patient survivors as they successfully overcome the obstacles.
About the Author:
Venita McCart, founder of Faith Force Cancer Support Ministries, has connected with hundreds of patients since 2005 through group meetings, personal contacts, writing, and speaking. She develops support groups and materials to comfort and encourage cancer patients and their families.
Connect with Venita:
Website: www.faithforcecancer.com
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/venitamccartauthor?fref=ts
Book Links:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/22Its-Cancer-22-Finding-Help-Recovery/dp/1941103766/
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas bookstore: http://store.lpcbooks.com/product/its-cancer-finding-help-and-hope-on-the-road-to-recovery/
Every family has been touched by cancer. The support and encouragement from others is often a critical ingredient to help a person know he or she is not alone.
So true Carol. Often, bystanders and loved ones do not realize this critical need. It is often urgent.
Thank you for sharing this encouragement.
Thank you for the opportunity Cee Cee. Glad you stopped by.
What interests me about “It’s Cancer”? The fact that I am battling pancreatic cancer right now. I had major surgery, “whipple”. Now I am dealing with every other week chemo treatments. I have been praying for my miracle healing. I have HOPE in the Lord!
I have to approve comments before they post unless the website recognizes a frequent visitor. I will post your first comment. Thanks for taking time!
Judy, thanks for sharing! I’m sorry to hear you have a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. However, I am thankful they were able to do the whipple procedure for you. That is not always possible. I hope your chemo is going well (as well as chemo can go, that is–) No one wants to take it, but some are unable to, so I am also thankful that you are one who can.I am so glad you have hope in the Lord. Your hope in Him is the most precious thing ever! When we know Him, He never leaves us. Many blessings to you!
You are welcome!
Praying for you, Judy! So glad you won!