Jennifer Lamont Leo won the prestigious American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award for her debut historical romance, You’re the Cream in My Coffee! I know you’ll love meeting her. October 13th – 19th, you’ll have a chance to enter to win her book, so mark your calendars now!
Fabulous Fridays
Meet Jennifer Lamont Leo
Jennifer Lamont Leo loves all things vintage, especially stories set in the early twentieth century. You’re the Cream in My Coffee, set in 1920s Chicago, is her first novel. The sequel, Ain’t Misbehavin’, will release in March 2018. She is also a freelance copywriter and editor, and her byline occasionally appears in regional magazines. A native of Illinois, she now lives in rural northern Idaho with her husband, two cats, and abundant wildlife.
You’re the Cream in My Coffee
In 1928, Chicago rocks to the rhythm of the Jazz Age, and Prohibition is in full swing. Small-town girl Marjorie Corrigan, visiting the city for the first time, has sworn that coffee’s the strongest drink that will pass her lips. But her quiet, orderly life turns topsy-turvy when she spots her high school sweetheart–presumed killed in the Great War–alive and well in a train station. Suddenly everything is up for grabs.
Connect with Jenny:
Website: http://jenniferlamontleo.com
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/JenniferLamontLeo
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/jennyleo
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14811459.Jennifer_Lamont_Leo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JennLamontLeo
Book Link:
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Youre-Cream-Coffee-Jennifer-Lamont-ebook/dp/B01JD9XJ3S/
Thanks for introducing Jennifer Lemont-Leo. Sounds like an intriguing read. Congratulations, Jennifer on your debut novel.
I hope you’ll stop by for the interview next week!
Thanks so much, Marilyn!