Every now and then, a book grabs a hold of your heart. My Father’s House, by Rose Chandler Johnson, is such a book. I already knew Rose from her devotional book, God, Me, & Sweet Iced Tea. Her debut novel was a complete delight, one of those books you feel like starting over as soon as you finish it. Here is a little taste of what is coming with our author interview and book giveaway on October 14th!
Fabulous Fridays
Author Interview with Rose Chandler Johnson coming 10/14!
My Father’s House:
Growing up, life is idyllic for Lily Rose Cates due to one constant – her father’s love. But in her sixteenth summer, all that changes without warning. There begins Lily’s struggle to find herself and the life she’s lost. . . .
Marriage promises fulfillment, but her happily-ever-after barely survives the honeymoon. Her husband’s sophisticated façade hides a brooding man with even darker secrets. When all illusions shatter, Lily must make hard choices – abandon her husband or risk losing much more than her marriage. She flees their home in Detroit and sets out on a fearful journey to a house in Georgia that her husband knows nothing about. This is one woman’s compelling tale of love and survival as she finds her way back home to who she’s meant to be . . . in her father’s house.
Thank you so much Norma Gail for hosting me on your blog! I appreciate. I hope everyone enters the drawing too.