My guest interview today is with Angela Breidenbach, co-author, with Valerie Comer, of Snowflake Tiara, two Christmas novellas set 125 years apart. It is a special treat for me to showcase Angie’s novel. She was the first professional critique on my own book, endorsed it, and has been a tremendous encourager to me. I know you will enjoy getting to know her and hearing about her book!
Fabulous Fridays
I’m Angela Breidenbach, one of the authors of Snowflake Tiara celebrating romance, Christmas, and Montana’s statehood. The book has one historical Christmas romance and one contemporary romance. Valerie Comer’s story carries on with my character’s great-great-great granddaughter. So it’s a really fun then-and-now novel set in the beautiful snowy capital of Helena, MT.
Snowflake Tiara: The Debutante Queen (the first novella in the 2-1 book) brings out a conundrum. Sometimes we struggle with doing the right thing versus doing the expected thing. It seems like common sense and kindness get lost in legalities. With Calista, I had the opportunity to create a situation where a character had to face consequences for doing the right thing in the face of both legal and societal norms. But I believe we’re called to follow God’s sense of justice even if worldly laws disagree with God’s. I think it’s terrifying to disobey a law made by man when we are aware of the ramifications, but I have to hope that I’d do just what Calista did. When I make a decision, I imagine myself standing in front of God. I want Him to smile on me. I make my decisions based on God’s reaction, not man’s. And sometimes that isn’t popular. I pray that if I’m ever in a similar situation, godly versus legal, I’ll be able to draw on God’s strength to do the right thing regardless of the circumstances or consequences.
What other works or projects you have planned in the future?
Eleven Pipers Piping is a continuing story from The Debutante Queen of Frankie and Joey. But it’s told through the eyes of another debutante, Mirielle Sheehan. I really fell in love with the newsies and their incredible influence on Helena, MT. But I honestly couldn’t leave Frankie and Joey out in the cold. So Mirielle is given the ultimatum of shaping up the street boys she’s cared for (since helping Calista) or watching them be placed either into indenture for a trade or sent to military school. But one of the boys isn’t like the others…and just who is his father?
Another project in the works is a comedy book with #Muse. He’s my feline investigative reporter that likes to entertain on Facebook. We’ve been asked numerous times for a book of his top humor vignettes and so we are going to do it. I’m not yet sure of the release date, but it’s in development.
About Snowflake Tiara:
Two Christmas Romance Novellas Set 125 Years Apart
What if you were caught doing something good, but the man you loved didn’t see it that way?
The Debutante Queen by Angela Breidenbach ~ 1889 (Helena, MT): Calista Blythe enters the first Miss Snowflake Pageant celebrating Montana statehood to expose the plight of street urchins. But if her hidden indentured orphan is discovered, Calista’s reputation and her budding romance with pageant organizer, Albert Shanahan, could both unravel. Will love or law prevail?
More Than a Tiara by Valerie Comer ~ 2014 (Helena, MT): Marisa Hiller’s interest in competing in Miss Snowflake Pageant for the city of Helena’s 150th anniversary is at zip zero zilch when she discovers the official photographer is Jase Mackie. Can Jase make amends for past mistakes and offer her, not only a tiara, but a partner in her crusade to help needy children and families?
First Page of:
Snowflake Tiara: The Debutante Queen~
Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7: 12, KJV
Helena, Montana Territory—November 7, 1889
“Stop that!” Calista Blythe wrestled her skirts free from the insistent waif. “What are you doing?” She twisted around in a circle, as she collapsed the umbrella, dodging packages as they tumbled. Waiting for her carriage to circle back down Main Street, the newly erected Power Building’s massive stone walls seemed a good idea to keep her out of the sharp wind. But Calista hadn’t counted on a street urchin to mug her. They were getting too brazen — and desperate —with winter descending on Montana. But what could she do about dozens of orphans dumped off of trains? Something had to be done for the abandoned children no one adopted when they reached the last stop on the Orphan Train route. But no one did. Calista’s heart squeezed a little.
The child twisted her hands into Calista’s blue velvet coat and held on like a bedraggled kitten clawed into a tree trunk. “Please miss, don’t let ‘im whip me no more.” The little girl whimpered in a heavy Irish brogue as tears ran muddy rivers on her reddened cheeks and she trembled in the cold.
“Who?” Calista craned to see around the corner of the grayish pink battered stone of the business building that served Helena, Montana’s Last Chance Gulch. She caught sight of Albert Shanahan’s handsome, stunned face as he endured confrontation with an angry manservant. The thin switch whistled through the air and slapped against the butler’s gloved palm.
Calista’s body rattled with an involuntary shudder. “Oh my!” Calista ducked back before she drew attention as the manservant entered a nearby shop. Had the little bumpkin been whacked with that weapon? “Why are you in trouble?”
About Angela Breidenbach:
Angela Breidenbach is a captivating speaker, coach, and author. Angela volunteers as the Christian Author Network’s president and for the Montana-based Jadyn Fred Foundation.
Twitter/Pinterest: @AngBreidenbach
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/AngelaBreidenbachInspirationalSpeakerAuthor
Thank you so much for having me, Norma!
Twitter and Pinterest @AngBreidenbach
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Thank you so much, Norma, and for such kind words 🙂
You are welcome, Angie! I am so excited to feature Snowflake Tiara this week!
I find it fascinating that Snowflake Tiara by Angela Breidenbach and Valerie Comer features by one historical Christmas romance and one contemporary romance. I love the fact that it has two Christmas Romance Novellas Set 125 Years Apart . I am excited to see how these two tie in together and see the outcome of this story.
It’s a very fun leap between the centuries. 🙂
Both stories sound interesting. I’m with you, Angela. I hope that if faced with the choice that I would do what’s right by God even if that conflicts with man. Merry Christmas!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you back again!
Merry Christmas, Tammy 🙂
P.S. Can’t wait for that collect of stories from Muse!!
Thanks, Tammy! That #Muse is quite a character ^~¥~^ and Merry Christmas 🙂
This sounds so good. I want this!
Thanks for visiting, Sheila! I hope you’ll stop by again!
Good luck and Merry Christmas, Sheila 🙂
Congrats on the book -looks wonderful #LandofMyDreams
Thanks for stopping by, Eliza! I hope you’ll be back!
I love Christian fiction that helps me get closer to the Lord. Can’t wait to read and see how the story plays out.
Thanks for stopping by, Madonna! I hope you’ll visit often!
Thanks, Madonna 🙂 It’s really interesting how writing Christian fiction makes me pray and delve into what I really think and believe.
it sounds like a really good book, I love reading and reviewing books on my blog! Merry Christmas! nashhall@aol.com
Thanks for stopping by, Rhonda!
I know every author loves hearing that information, Rhonda! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
I love the cover. It’s enticing and makes me want to read more. It sounds like there is a loose connection between the two stories. I’d love to read more!
It’s definitely connected 🙂 Even though 2 authors wrote 2 stories, we really worked hard to weave connected elements into both stories. But the obvious ones are that Valerie’s character is my character’s great-great-great grand daughter. Then another is the song, Away in a Manger. But there are quite a few others 😉