Still Waters is the kind of book that will remain in your heart for a long time, begging to be read and reread. Lindsay Brackett writes with poetic pictures that evoke emotions in your heart and hit home every time. Enter to win by leaving a comment at the end of the blog. Increase your chances to win by signing in on the Rafflecopter!
Fabulous Fridays
Still Waters
I love Lindsey Brackett’s debut novel, Still Waters. I know you will too! I had the privilege of meeting Lindsey at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writer’s Conference, and you are going to enjoy getting acquainted with her!
Welcome, Lindsey! Tell us a little bit about your family.
Happy to be here—especially since I’m able to do this while my four kids are all in school. They’re 13, 11, 7, and 5. Three girls and one already rotten little boy. But who can blame him with four mamas looking after him? My husband is a CFO for a non-profit, so I’m able to stay home and write full-time now that I’m not wrangling kids all day. In extended family fun, people are always surprised to hear, not that I’m an oldest because I fit the type, but that I’m the oldest of seven children. Like my family, all girls, one boy. It’s been fun Christmas times, let me tell you. We’re about to welcome grandchildren #13 and #14 to the mix.
When did you first know you were a writer?
I started writing shortly after my parents first put my yellow back copies of the Little House books in my hands. I wanted to be just like Laura Ingalls. So from about fourth grade on, writing was the dream. But I was terrified to actually let anyone read anything until I started blogging in 2010.
What inspired Still Waters?
My maternal grandmother was my model for Nan. We lost her early—I was only ten when she passed away. Before that my family had a long-standing tradition of Edisto Beach summers, so those were the impetus for this book. I wanted to recapture some of that life. From there, the story really took on a life of its own, because not everything (probably only about a quarter of it) happened in real life.
Are you a full-time writer or do you hold a day job? What is the biggest challenge/obstacle you face in protecting your writing time?
Now that we don’t homeschool and I don’t have a little one at home, I am a full-time writer. But I’m terrible about taking on too many projects at once. I have a lot of interests so I have to be really careful about what I pursue. Sometimes I’m good… other times, not so much. I don’t just write fiction full-time. I also have some freelance jobs, I coach other writers, I edit for Firefly Southern Fiction, and I do a lot of marketing. I have to be careful to schedule in time for my creative pursuits, or I’ll find myself writing a lot of words but it’s not the writing I want to be doing.
How did you research the setting for Still Waters? Do you have any anecdotes or interesting experiences arising from your research, which you would like to share with our readers? Have any of these found their way into your book?
Because Edisto has been a place we visit frequently, researching the setting was easy. But I did bring home lots of maps, scour my favorite Edisto sites and Facebook pages, as well as pin some images on Pinterest whenever I felt like I needed to see something while I was working. I went on a historical tour of the island, read several history books, and frequented the Historical Society as well. It was very important to me that I get the flavor of the place right, because I want the locals to read my book and not be distracted by anything wrong.
In the story I reference riding the waves on an old tractor tire. We used to do that as kids. My Uncle Travis would bring it to the beach. There’s also a reference to a blue minivan full of kids, and that’s an homage to my family. A friend begged me to include my somewhat legendary beat-up van, so I did.
What events in your personal life have most impacted your writing, and how?
The one scene that seems to resonate with readers more than any other is Nan’s hospice. I modeled that after my experience with my Granddaddy, who passed away under hospice care in 2014. We were all blessed to be there when he moved on from this life. It is a memory I cherish. While we can all imagine those experiences, living through them and then using them to fuel a story, I believe, lends credence to my work. Someone told me once, “A writer is a witness.” So I try to remember that anytime I work.
How would you like to inspire your readers?
I hope my readers are inspired to read more often—and read well. I love literature that challenges my beliefs and thoughts as much as I love a good escape. I love historicals that bring something to life that’s been overlooked—like what All the Light We Cannot See did for World War II fiction a few years ago. As writers we have a responsibility to trust that our books could inspire someone to become a lifelong reader and that’s a special gift to be able to give. That’s why I try to share what I’m reading as well as what I’m writing.
If you could spend the day with a character from your all-time favorite novel, who would it be and what would you do?
Well I guess Scout and I would get into all sorts of trouble and we would have long talks with Atticus about why the world was the way it was—and still is to some extent.
How do you see the importance of Christian fiction?
I think Christian fiction certainly has a place and an audience. I’m happy readers who actively pursue Christian fiction as a genre enjoy my book, but I’m equally pleased by my readers who have more mainstream tastes. I don’t believe I write “Christian fiction” in a strict sense. I’m a writer who is a Christian, so naturally that colors the stories I choose to tell and the way I choose to tell them. But I equally believe if we start getting legalistic with what is and is not Christian fiction, we will alienate the people we are actually hoping to influence.
Please share a favorite passage from Still Waters with us.
I chose this scene because in November 2018, Hannah and Ben will get their own story. Enjoy!
“So this is Tennessee and Ben’s place, huh?” Hannah’s head swung back and forth as she assessed the restaurant. “Would make a great reception site. I’ll have to keep that in mind.” She flashed a smile at Cora Anne. “Money aside and no matter what he pretends, Tennessee is hardly just a handyman.”
“He’s hardly just anything.”
Hannah pored over the menu and suggested glasses of a local wine from a vineyard in Charleston, which Cora Anne countered with the shrimp dip appetizer. By the time a harried waitress took their order and set down glasses, Ben had emerged from the kitchen. He worked the room like a celebrity, shaking hands and accepting bear hugs from folks who had, Cora Anne was sure, known him his whole life. She noticed Hannah watched intently as he made his way to their table.
“Cora Anne Halloway.” Ben patted her on the back as if they were old buddies. “Where’s the main man?”
“You tell me. I haven’t seen him in days because of that house on Myrtle Street.”
Ben puffed out his chest. “Want to run off with me, then?”
“You’re incorrigible.”
He turned a dazzling smile on Hannah. “Since she’s already taken, I think I’d like to meet you.”
“This is my cousin, Hannah.” Cora Anne smirked, as Hannah fluidly tossed her hair from her eyes. “Hannah, Ben Townsend.”
Ben bowed over Hannah’s offered hand, like a Southern gentleman of old. “How can I be of service to you lovely ladies?”
Hannah’s eyes sparkled and she propped her chin on her knuckles. “I’m sure we can think of something.”
No way could Cora Anne sit here and be third wheel. “If you two will excuse me, I believe I’m going to track down Tennessee.” Sitting here while Hannah and Ben flirted would only make her agonize more over Nan and leaving and … missing him.
“Tell him I said to get on down here.” Ben commandeered a chair at the table. “I promise not to talk business.”
Cora Anne grabbed her cell and headed for the front porch. Leaning against a column, she pressed the phone to her ear.
He answered on the first ring. “Hey, babe, everything okay?”
She caught her breath. Babe. “Yeah, we’re fine. Just haven’t seen you all week.”
“I know … I’m sorry. Work has been crazy, and I figured you and Hannah might want some time. But, I’ve missed you.”
Tangible relief made her press a hand to her stomach. And confess. “I miss you, too.” She bit her lip. Maybe this could work past summer? “Want to come hang out with us at The Hideaway? Ben’s here.”
Phone calls weren’t hard. But impromptu dinners when she was hundreds of miles away would be.
“Oh, yeah? He proposed yet? I tell you, Cor, I think he’s just after your money.”
That irony made her giggle – like the love struck girl she kept telling herself she wasn’t. “You mean my grandmother’s beach house?”
“To him they are one in the same.”
“Well, he did invite me to run off with him, if that counts.”
“I’ll be there in five.”
“Don’t break your neck. I turned him over to Hannah’s charms. If we work this right, we could wind up with an evening to ourselves.”
“I’m in my truck.”
“See you soon.” She ended the call and lifted her eyes to the sun sinking low over the marina. One more day gone.
Still Waters Book Blurb:
When her beloved grandmother requests one last summer at Still Waters, the family cottage on Edisto Beach, Cora Anne returns to a place that haunts her with loss and tempts her with forgiveness.
Peace means reconciling her family and her Edisto memories. But acceptance may mean loving the man determined to preserve a past she’d rather forget.
Award-winning writer, Lindsey P. Brackett just writes life — blogs, columns, articles, and stories — in the midst of motherhood. A blogger since 2010, she has published articles and short stories in a variety of print and online publications. She writes a popular bimonthly column for several local newspapers in which she meditates on small town southern life.
Her love of family ties and southern places prompted her first novel, Still Waters, a Lowcountry story about the power of family and forgiveness. Thanks to her four kids, in her home you’ll find wet towels, lost library books, and strong coffee.
Connect with Lindsey:
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/LindseyPBrackett/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lindsbrac/
Goodreads: Lindsey Brackett
Instagram: @lindseypbrackett
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lindsbrac @lindsbrac
Amazon Book Link:
Still Waters: https://www.amazon.com/Still-Waters-Lindsey-Brackett-ebook/dp/B0749S8WDW/
Great to meet you, Lindsay. I SO agree about ALL THE LIGHT WE CANNOT SEE…opened my eyes to what Germans had to face during the war years and before, like The Book Thief. Also resonate to your being a writer who’s Christian rather than putting yourself into a legalistic box. Thanks for sharing, pls leave me out of the drawing as I only read print books. See you at LPC.
Thanks for reading! I usually only read print too 🙂
Thank you! I enjoyed meeting Lindsey and reading the excerpt from her book. I will have to check out the book All the Light We Cannot See, as well as check out Lindsey’s books. Thank you for highlighting her!
Thanks for stopping by! I’d love to hear what you think about All the Light.
Hey Lindsey,
I’m so excited for you. From the moment I read about your book I wanted to read it. I really enjoyed your interview.
Marcie 🙂
Thanks Marcie! You’re a dear.
Thanks for the interview and the snippet from the book! I’ve heard about Still Waters and now I’m intrigued after reading this post.
I’m so excited you’ve heard of it! Thank you!
You said: “I don’t believe I write “Christian fiction” in a strict sense. I’m a writer who is a Christian, so naturally that colors the stories I choose to tell and the way I choose to tell them.” That’s the kind of Christian fiction that moves me most. I worked in a Christian bookstore for nine years and had my own online bookstore for fifteen more, so I’ve read a lot of Christian fiction. I’m afraid some Christian writers think if they throw a few Bible verses in their books and their characters go to church they don’t need much of a plot or well-developed characters. I have many favorite Christian authors that write very well and let the faith of their characters come through naturally. Those are the ones I promote in my blogs.