Strength for the Battle

Posted by on Jul 9, 2012 | Comments Off on Strength for the Battle

“Your castles and strongholds shall have bars of iron and bronze, and as your day, so shall your strength, your rest and security be.”
Deuteronomy 33:25 AMP
All day the scripture kept running through my head. I kept thinking I must be supposed to relate it to something, maybe write something. I hadn’t looked it up yet, but it was there, nonetheless. God was speaking and it was important. I just didn’t know why.
            I’m certain you’ve had it happen before. Someone’s name will pop into your head, you’ll think of a song, a poem, a picture, a scripture, and in a little while you’ll have the uncanny sensation that you were told of something ahead of time.
            No, I don’t believe in hocus-pocus, and second-sight, whatever you want to call it. I do believe in God bringing things to mind when we need them for some reason. I don’t call it coincidence. I call it God’s timing.
            This afternoon I heard from two friends who had received devastating news. One was far away and the assurance of my prayers was all I could offer. The other was down the street and I was able to be there with a timely hug and in-person prayer time. I was able to offer strength and comfort to my friends because God had prepared me ahead of time with strength.
In the days of old, castles and strongholds were built for protection because they knew at some point they would be attacked. They were armed and ready at all times. We too, must be armed and ready. Daily in God’s word and prayer, arms us for battle in a difficult world.
God goes ahead of us preparing our hearts through His word, and the timely whispers of the Holy Spirit. When attack threatens, He reminds us that He has already provided the weapons we need. We can look to Him and rest in Him, knowing that our fortress is ready for whatever onslaught may come, assured we don’t face the fight alone.
            Shore up the defenses of the castle of your heart with His word. Prepare for the coming attack, secure in the knowledge that your heavenly Father has gone before. His weapons of warfare, as well as His provisions for strength to bear up, rest for your weariness, peace of mind, and the secure knowledge that He is in control will be yours.
© Copyright 2012 by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman and All Rights Reserved.

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Norma Gail
Land of My Dreams
Within Golden Bands
Proud Member of ACFW
Award Winning Land of My Dreams
Hometown Reads Author
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