Weakness is something we prefer not to talk about or admit. We view it as an embarrassment. James Duren offers us a better way to look at weakness and reveals the source of our strength. We would love to hear your comments!
2MefromHim Devotionals
For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 9:10
When I was a young boy, I lived with my grandparents in Charleston, South Carolina.
Our house was located in the suburbs. It had a huge front where emerald grass grew fast during the summer. My grandpa kept the yard at bay with an electric lawnmower. I think it was black and orange, maybe a Black & Decker.
On days he cut the grass, my job was to follow behind and carry the cord so it didn’t get tangled up when grandpa made his turns at the end of a well-cut row.
I remember one of these mowing sessions with great clarity. I was standing out in the yard just behind the lawnmower while my grandpa was doing something; maybe getting a glass of water, maybe plugging the cord back in.
I was used to being the cord carrier, so standing there in that yard with that old electric mower made me feel powerful. I reached up and grasped the handle. With all my kid strength I tried to push the mower forward.
My grandpa walked across the grass just as I launched my attempt to push the beast. My efforts, as you can guess, amounted to a lot of sweat and frustration.
Finally, I looked up at my grandpa and said, “How come I can’t push it?”
The answer was pretty obvious.
“You’re not strong enough,” he said.
In a few minutes, we were back to our routine. He pushed. Grass flew. I carried the cord.
Thirty years later, I’m pushing my own lawnmower across the yard – a gas-powered green Bolens.
But now that I’m a man, relying on my physical strength isn’t my problem. Lawnmowers aren’t my problem. Life is my problem. Finances. Worry. Stress. Leadership. Husbanding. Parenting.
I’m still the little kid pushing-sweating-laboring-exerting my way through a season or struggle or responsibility through which I cannot power myself.
Self-reliance is no trophy for men who forego the power of Christ for the weakness of their own strength.
In Him we find our peace. In Him we find our solutions. In Him we find our fortitude. Be comfortable with your weakness; it is your strength.
About the author:
J.R. Duren is a copywriter, award-winning journalist and author of “Living Like Lions: 20 Influential Christian Men Past and Present.” He lives in Jacksonville, Fla., with his wife, daughter, dog and lawn mower.
Website: www.jrduren.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/authorduren
Twitter: www.twitter.com/jr_duren
Book Links:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Living-Like-Lions-Influential-Christian/dp/1941103294/
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/living-like-lions-20-influential-christian-men-past-and-present-j-r-duren/1120198111?ean=9781941103296
Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas: http://lpcbooks.com/product/living-like-lions/
A very good analogy.