Sunday came following the horror of Friday’s crucifixion. Doubt is a powerful tool of the enemy of man and the crucifixion represents the epitome of doubt. If Satan can plant seeds of doubt, our defeat is certain, our victory is destroyed. Easter brings the most powerful reminder the believer has to never doubt.
2MefromHim Devotionals
Sunday Came
Because you have seen me, you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed. John 20:29
I know the devastation of loss, the depression of hope destroyed, the overwhelming doubt of prayers seemingly ignored.
One name is synonymous with doubt, Thomas, known as Didymus, a disciple of Jesus, one who lived and traveled with him for three years, was not present on that day when the Lord first appeared alive, and refused to believe.
The Tomb outside Jerusalem stands empty. No sign that a body ever lay wrapped in linen and bathed in tears of those who loved. No moldering bones and dust desecrate its interior with the corruption of death, for Jesus rose—mysterious, victorious over death.
What doubts rob your peace, steal your confidence, destroy your hope, devastate your dreams?
Contemplate the inconceivable power necessary to enliven a body dead for three days. Wounds rendered survival impossible: massive blood loss, the heart burst open, the blood separated, the sword pierced side of our Savior.
We all identify with Thomas—The Doubter. “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”
I cannot. I will not. I refuse to let go of the incontrovertible truth. There is no hope. The dead cannot live. Your grief has driven you mad. You only think you saw. Dead and buried three days is as dead as it gets.
But Sunday came. Easter happened. The earth shook. The stone rolled away. The Son of God appeared in flesh. He walked through walls. He spoke. He breathed. He ate. He talked.
And because of Easter, we have hope. No matter how dark, how impossible, or illogical, God defies His own natural law. His power is greater than death. With the victory of Jesus resurrection, witnessed by more than 500 people—the impossible became possible.
When you believe, you receive the power of Christ’s resurrection within your spirit. Ephesians 1:19-20 says, “and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms…”
Church tradition says that Thomas took the gospel of Christ to the Far East, martyred in India while building a church. He overcame doubt, going on to do great things for Christ.
Nothing God wills is impossible for you.
Doubt destroys. Faith strengthens and makes the impossible possible. Sunday came. Believe.
© Copyright by Norma Gail Thurston Holtman, April 17, 2017
Norma Gail is the author of the contemporary Christian romance, Land of My Dreams, winner of the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 40 years. They have two adult children.
Connect with Norma:
Website: www.normagail.org
Amazon Author page: http://www.amazon.com/Norma-Gail/e/B00ILHXBAK/
Book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQbZIoC_JSE
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Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Land-My-Dreams-Norma-Gail/dp/1941103170
I finally found you! Thank you so much, Norma, for not only using my photo for the glory of God, for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but for blessing me as well. I’ve been trying to find you to thank you!
This photo was taken at the Shrine of St. Joseph of the Mountains in Yarnell, Arizona. I took a series of photos there in 2012, a year before the tragic Yarnell Hill Fire, June 30, 2013, that claimed the lives of 19 of our Granite Mountain Hotshots from the Prescott Fire Department. St. Joseph’s was damaged in the fire, and the retreat buildings burned to the ground. However, you can still visit to see not only this bronze of the resurrected Christ, but the stations and the tomb. This beloved place is for all Christians, and a rebuilding effort is still underway. If you ever come to the Prescott area, please visit Yarnell and the Shrine, located on Shrine Road, just a few blocks off west of AZ State Route 89.
God bless you!
Thanks, Jenise! I appreciate it!