Looking Back Can Be Dangerous! – 2MefromHim Devotional
Looking back can be dangerous. Changing our lives for the better is difficult and the temptation to return to our former way of life is strong. Once you’ve committed to the Lord, we all need encouragement. Lot and his family chose to live among people who didn’t know the Lord, cutting them off from the fellowship of believers. The result was tragic. I’d love to hear your comments!
Our World Aflame Part Five: A Wild Donkey
When Sarah and Abraham circumvented God’s plan by deciding to have a child through Sarah’s maid, Hagar, they unknowingly loosed a wild donkey in the world and everyone has suffered for it since. God made that child into a great nation, as He had promised to do with Abraham’s descendants, but there were consequences. I would love to hear your comments on this last part of my series on Our World Aflame.
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