Why I Read and Write Fiction – Confessions of a Bookworm
I read and write fiction because I am curious about the world. Fiction increases our awareness of the world around us and broadens our horizons beyond the confines of our daily life.
Fabulous Fridays
Why I Read and Write Fiction – Confessions of a Bookworm
I read and write fiction because I am curious about the world. Whether contemporary or historical, fiction transports the reader to another place and time. A well-written novel invites the reader to become part of the story. Fiction increases our awareness of the world around us and broadens our horizons beyond the confines of our daily life.
Fiction vs. Non-fiction
Non-fiction teaches facts. We learn about one topic in detail with little stimulus of our imagination. One problem in our world today is people’s desire to be heard above news media rhetoric. Talking heads with a set agenda tell us what to think.
A well-written novel invites the reader to become part of the story... #amwriting #amreading #fiction Share on XFiction, on the other hand, covers a broad range of experiences through the eyes of many different characters. One book enables us to enter the minds of a variety of people from different levels of society: rich and poor, educated and uneducated, management and employee, husband and wife. Points of view are expressed in a non-confrontational way. Readers experience what someone thinks, why they think that way, and develop empathy. Fiction opens us up to new ideas while stimulating pleasure areas in the brain.
Fiction and the Real World
For example, in my new romantic suspense, Within Golden Bands, the reader experiences the hurt and longing of a woman who craves motherhood but cannot become pregnant. I wrote from the heart about longings I experienced. My husband gave input on passages about the husband’s reactions. The story isn’t ours but we dealt with the emotions in real life.
In our world today, fearful of the COVID-19 pandemic, torn by protests over racial inequality, stress and anxiety run rampant. Fiction transports us away from the tension of non-stop news to a place where our brains can rest. Stimulating the imagination is therapeutic.
Fiction transports us to a place where our brains can rest... #anxiety #relaxation #bookworm Share on XWorks of fiction contain the truth about life, history, current events, and even faith. Christian fiction reveals how others might respond to personal crises, relationships, and world events from the standpoint of their faith. I watched my mother-in-law grow in her relationship to Christ through the fiction she read.
Benefits of Reading Fiction
All the best and worst of life is contained in fictional worlds. As we watch characters react to life events, we grow our minds with new possibilities. When based in fact and experience, the author’s imaginings can demonstrate scriptural truth.
Novels open our eyes to fresh perspectives by transporting us into an imaginary world... #amwriting #imagination #escape Share on XAll in all, fiction provides escape from stress and reveals new ways to respond to the world around us. Novels open our eyes to fresh perspectives by transporting us into an imaginary world. We escape everyday turmoil, satisfy our curiosity, expand our thinking, and rest our minds through the pages of a book.
© Copyright Norma Gail Holtman, June 16, 2020
Fiction transports the reader to another place and time... #booklover #novels #readingrocks Share on XAbout the author:
Norma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.
Christmas Stroll – Within Golden Bands Out-takes Part Three
The Christmas Stroll in Albuquerque’s Old Town, there’s nothing quite like it! Christmas in June, anyone? This scene, cut from Within Golden Bands is typical New Mexico romance, the kind that makes me fall in love all over again.
Fabulous Fridays
Out-Takes from Within Golden Bands – Part Three
Christmas in June, anyone? For anyone who knows New Mexico, Old Town Albuquerque at Christmas conjures up essences of piñon smoke, glowing luminarias highlighting adobe walls, and red chili wreaths. This scene, cut from Within Golden Bands is typical New Mexico romance, the kind that makes me fall in love all over again. Join in as Bonny and Kieran experience all the beauty and wonder of Christmas in love.
Out-Takes comprise some of my favorite scenes from Within Golden Bands. The decision to remove them from the book was painful but necessary to move the action forward. I allude to these scenes in other ways but for me, they will always be part of the story. I see, smell, taste, and hear what my characters experience and they share it with me each year as I enjoy our home town at Christmas with my husband.
Christmas in June, anyone? Out-takes from Norma Gail's new book, Within Golden Bands #amwriting #authorlife #RomSus Share on XChapter One – Scene Three – The Old Town Christmas Stroll
Albuquerque, New Mexico
The evening was warm for December, even for Albuquerque.
Kieran scrunched sideways in the backseat of Dan’s Suburban so Bonny could lean against him as they headed to the Old Town Christmas Tree Lighting and Holiday Stroll. “Forty-five degrees in December. My parents would never believe it.”
“We could sightsee more if I wasn’t sick all the time.” Bonny burrowed deeper into his arms, a sure sign it wasn’t a complaint. “After the baby is born, we should come back so I can show you everything when I feel better. You’ll love Old Town. The Christmas Stroll is every bit as beautiful as on Christmas Eve.”
“New Mexico is the best place in the world at Christmas.” Kari turned in the front seat to face them. “You’ve only gone a few places, in spite of little hiking and no horseback riding. Did you enjoy Santa Fe, Kieran?”
“It was fun. The Shed has great food, though Bonny wasn’t hungry. The drive up North 14 is spectacular, and Madrid is one of the more unique towns I’ve ever seen.”
Dan laughed. “I think eclectic is the word you’re looking for.”
Kari thumped him on the shoulder. “What did Dr. Carson say about your nausea and weight loss, Bonny?”
“He had a name for it, hyperemesis gravidarum, meaning I lose my lunch so much I’m losing weight. More medication. Ugh. Some women end up hospitalized. But hopefully, I’ll improve. I hate to spend most of our honeymoon sick. The doctor’s concerned about the scar tissue and wants an ultrasound when we get home to assess any danger. Kieran called and set it up for right after New Year’s.”
The streetlights caught the gleam in his wife’s eyes and her slight smile begged for a kiss. Kieran drew her closer, but if he waited until they were home, he could do it right. They passed the hospital where he had once prayed for her to regain consciousness and live to marry him. The months, while she healed and decided between him and Adam, were a nightmare. Now, it all seemed insignificant.
The Christmas Tree
A thrill of excitement and anticipation throbbed in his heart, palpable in her jittering knees, turning head, and obvious eagerness to share this special time with him.
“You’ll love this, Kieran. The Christmas tree, the luminarias, dinner at La Placita, and a stroll around the plaza. There’s nothing better. Hurry, Dan. We don’t want to be late.”
“From the sound of it, I’ll be lucky to get you on a plane back to Scotland.” Kieran placed a finger under Bonny’s chin, turned her head, and searched her eyes for a response. Did she regret the permanence of her move to Scotland?
“I’m ready. It’s wonderful to have you all to myself, but I can’t wait to tell your parents about the baby. Besides, I need to learn to be a sheep farmer’s wife before I have to juggle farm duties with motherhood.” The quick response eased his concern a little.
Dan pulled into a parking space and stopped. Kieran stepped out first, offered Bonny his hand, and tucked her arm through his. “Lead the way, Mrs. MacDonell.”
“Hmm, smell the pinon smoke.” Dan and Kari fell in behind them. “Have you explained luminarias, carrot-top?” Dan teased.
“I’m a married lady, Danny-boy. Haven’t I outgrown my childhood nickname. And yes, I did.”
“Explained them?” Kieran looked back, laughing. “This determined woman made them in Beauly last Christmas at my parents’ house. I shoveled snow for her to set them out.” With her head against his arm, his heart expanded in gratitude. He sniffed the air, pungent with a plethora of unfamiliar odors. “People, lights, luminarias, music. I see why your eyes light up when you talk about it.”
“Honey, there’s the Christmas tree.” Bonny pointed and tugged on his arm. “Come on.” As Bonny dragged him through the crowd, the tree burst into brilliance as white lights revealed red and white ornaments of giant proportions.
It’s more than two stories tall. How many trees do they use? Within Golden Bands Out-takes #NewMexico #Christfic #amreading Share on X“It’s huge.” Kieran tilted his head back. “They really are entire trees put together to form one big tree. It’s more than two stories tall. How many trees do they use?”
“A hundred and fifty,” Bonny said proudly.
Kari smiled when she and Dan walked up. “You can close your mouth now, Kieran. Did she describe it well?”
“Yes, but I couldn’t imagine it.” His eyes flitted from one unfamiliar sight to another. The warm, golden radiance of the luminarias trailed along sidewalks, rooftops, and porch rails. The flickering lights bestowed a simple beauty on the ancient adobe buildings. “I’m amazed how something as simple as hundreds of small paper sacks with sand in the bottom and candles inside can produce such beauty.”
Bonny’s snaps hadn’t done justice to San Felipe de Neri, the old Catholic Church across the crowded street, so different from the stone cathedrals of his homeland. For more than 300 years, its majestic simplicity of adobe and white-painted wood had graced the north side of the plaza. In spite of throngs of people in the narrow blocked-off streets, the atmosphere was serene. Christmas songs emanated from the bandstand with a distinctive beat played on simple instruments, guitars, violins, and trumpets. “Tell me again what they call the music.”
“Mariachi.” She tugged him behind her, closer to the tree. “Take our picture, Dan. We need to send photos to Kieran’s parents. Isn’t it beautiful, honey?”
Reminiscence and Revelations
He nodded, filled with memories of last year when they performed “Silent Night” in Gaelic on Christmas Eve in Scotland. The unfamiliar Spanish was every bit as beautiful. Like tree lights illuminated with the flick of a switch, the answer to a question long agonized over became clear. Bonny refused his proposal and sent him home to Scotland because she craved the familiarity of home while she healed. Now, they stood amidst sights, sounds, and aromas as common to her as they were curious to him. The rugged mountains where she lived, chili, adobe, and the rustic wooden spires of the church meant to her what sheep, heathered hills, castles, and glacier-carved lochs were to him. Home. Given time, she had chosen to leave it all—for him.
The rugged mountains where she lived, chili, adobe, and the rustic wooden spires of the church—Home. #NEWRELEASE #BYNR #Christfic Share on XHis throat tightened and he pulled her into his arms despite the crowds. “You left all you’ve ever known to marry me. For the first time, I fathom your sacrifice—why you had to be so certain.”
With a soft moan, her arms slid around his neck and pulled him down to where her sweet, warm lips melded with his. “I gained much more than I gave up. You are my home now.”
Kari and Dan returned from the other side of the tree. Ever-sensitive Kari touched Bonny’s shoulder. “Dan and I will go on to La Placita. It looks as if you need a moment alone.”
Bonny’s eyes glimmered as bright as the lights on the tree. “Kieran just had a revelation. We’re fine.”
Arm in arm they strolled through the plaza, past the wooden bandstand festooned with white lights and red bows, where a group of carolers had replaced the mariachis. The culture surrounding them was as strange to him as Hogmanay and haggis were to her. Was he brave enough to do what this incredible woman had done?
The emotions surging through him were not the pride of victory over Adam, but humility because she chose him. He drew her out of the crowd, into the circle of light under an old-fashioned lamppost, gazing into eyes made greener by the dark forest hue of her coat.
“Kieran?” Cold fingers caressed his cheek. He caught her hand and massaged it. “What does that little smile mean?”
The crowds disappeared and he knelt, grasping the hand where his grandmother’s ruby sparkled amid the diamonds of her wedding band. “I’m the happiest man on earth. I will cherish and protect the gift of your love, mo chridhe, and never take it for granted.”
Only four more days until they boarded a plane for Scotland. Bonny had called it home, and her worries about the baby appeared to have given way to excitement. He almost skipped across the street to the luminaria-festooned restaurant.
Out-takes from novels live on in the heart of the author and provide backstory #amwriting #backstory #NEWRELEASE Share on X© Norma Gail Holtman
About the author:
Norma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.
Out-Takes from Within Golden Bands – Part One
Outtakes often appear at the end of television programs for viewers to see what ended up on the cutting room floor when the actors messed up. Outtakes from books live on in computer files as the back story that drove what readers see in the finished product.
Fabulous Fridays
Out-Takes from Within Golden Bands – Part One
Out-Takes often appear at the end of television programs for viewers to see what ended up on the cutting room floor when the actors messed up. Out-Takes from books are not always mess-ups for authors but beloved scenes that were cut either due to word count or plot issues. They live on in the memory and computer files as the back story that drove what readers see in the finished product.
Out-takes from books form the back-story for what readers see in the finished product... #authorlife #amwriting #books Share on XFor those who have finished reading Within Golden Bands, I offer some romantic interludes in Kieran and Bonny’s marriage that were sacrificed in order to make the book start in the middle of the action (in media res), or to make my word count. I think you’ll enjoy this glimpse into the original beginning of the book. Here is one of my favorite scenes from Within Golden Bands, the beginning of Kieran and Bonny’s honeymoon in Albuquerque:
Out-Takes from Within Golden Bands
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Out-Takes: Let the Honeymoon Begin
What a way to begin a honeymoon.
Dehydrated and exhausted, Bonny MacDonell allowed herself to slide into a drowsy state of semi-alertness, her hand gripped tightly by Kieran. Her husband hovered over her the way an eagle hovers over its nest. Outside the little room, the clamor of the Presbyterian Hospital emergency room rose and ebbed with voices, phones, footsteps, and every now and then, a cry. The semi-hard surface of the gurney was preferable to the continual motion of the last twenty-four hours.
Bonny had entered the Albuquerque Sunport too weak to stand without Kieran’s support, exhausted from constant nausea all the way from Scotland. Liquid gratitude puddled in her eyes when Dan and Kari suggested the hospital as their first stop. What a relief to give herself over to the love and support of the MacDowells, best friends since childhood and adopted family since her parents’ deaths.
Metal rings clinked against each other, and she forced herself into wakefulness as Dr. Mason slid the curtain back and entered the small room. His brown eyes were kind as he smiled, balanced the chart on the side rail of the gurney, and riffled through the papers. “Mrs. MacDonell, I checked your old records. Dr. Carson had good reason to say the possibility of pregnancy was slim due to the advanced stage of your endometriosis, but you proved him wrong.” He pulled the blankets down, and cool hands moved over her abdomen, applying pressure here and there. “Any idea how long ago it might have happened?”
A behind-the-scenes glimpse at Within Golden Bands, a new romantic suspense novel... #RomSus #Christfic #backstory Share on XEndometriosis. Fingers of fear snaked through her veins at the sound of the word.
Oblivious to how her old nemesis held the power to turn this dream to a nightmare, Kieran’s sapphire eyes lit up like a child with his first Christmas tree. “We’ve only been married for six weeks.”
Dr. Mason smiled. “You can’t imagine how rare an answer like that is these days.”
“Well, it’s true for us.” Her gallant, Scottish knight’s defensive tone sent flutters through Bonny in spite of the nausea.
“But …” A kaleidoscope of emotions, fear above all else, whirled through her mind as she glanced back at the doctor. The only anchor to reality was the weight of Kieran’s big hand on her shoulder.
“It’s early, to be sure, but some women begin morning sickness right away. I’ll prescribe medication for nausea. It may settle down a little now that you’re on solid ground. I suggest you follow up with an obstetrician in two or three weeks. An ultrasound to assess the role of scarring and disease in this pregnancy is critical.” Dr. Mason reached across her to shake Kieran’s hand, then patted her shoulder. “The nurse will bring your discharge papers as soon as the IV finishes. Congratulations.”
Kieran’s eyes danced with undisguised delight while why … how … what whirled through Bonny’s mind in a dizzying flurry along with the word baby.
He leaned close, elbows on either side of her pillow as his forehead came to rest on hers. “So much for Dr. Carson’s dire predictions. Six weeks. You must have gotten pregnant on our wedding night, mo gràdh. You’ll do nothing but rest and care for yourself and our wee bairn.”
My darling. The Gaelic endearment coupled with his tender smile and a sweet reference to an experience so far from her reality that it made her mind spin. “Kieran, I can’t …”
“God doesn’t listen to doctors, love.”
God. When was the last time she prayed for healing? Resigned to Dr. Carson’s diagnosis, Bonny never allowed herself to dream of bearing Kieran’s child. His cheek, scratchy under her hand, drew her attention back to her new husband. At the sight of such complete joy, the bubble of gratitude in her chest threatened to burst. “If your smile gets any wider, your face will split.”
The nurse entered, handing Kieran papers to sign while she discontinued the IV. Bonny turned away at the painful memory of telling her then-fiancé, Adam, that Dr. Carson’s surgical procedure was ineffective, making children impossible. Unbounded darkness eclipsed her world in disappointment and incompleteness from then on. Worse was the day her hard-confessed revelation crushed Kieran’s hopes of a family. Now, the sunshine of his delight bathed the small room in beauty.
The door closed behind the nurse, and Kieran reached for her clothes. Bonny allowed him to steady her as she sat up to dress, raising her arms as he held her sweater. When her head slipped through, his warm, soft lips settled on hers and heightened the dizziness of an upright position.
She shut her eyes and breathed deep as a wave of nausea washed over her again. The sooner they left the antiseptic odor of the ER behind, the better. “Let’s only tell Kari and Dan, at least for now. I’ll call Dr. Carson since we’re here and get his opinion. He said I would never carry a successful pregnancy. Kieran, I’m afraid. Too much can go wrong.”
“Careful. Let me help.” Kieran’s grip gave security but failed to halt the swaying sensation when Bonny bent to put on her shoes. “It’s up to you whether we tell anyone now or not. You’re twisting your hair in knots. Don’t be afraid to accept a miracle. We’ll choose to trust, not fear.”
“I’ll try. Best not to tell your parents yet. It will make a great Christmas present when we get home if nothing goes wrong. By then, I’ll be a little further along. We can’t hide it from Kari and Dan. They’ll guess something’s up when I’m this sick, but you have a huge grin plastered on your face. You need to take this seriously. Things that appear too good to be true usually are, and I’m scared.”
“Wheesht, I have a right to smile. My new wife is carrying our child, and you’re both miracles. Don’t give in to fear, Mrs. MacDonell. We’ll face them if they become reality, not borrow trouble.”
Don’t be afraid. Perhaps Kieran was right. Things changed.
A brisk knock signaled the nurse’s return with a wheelchair. Brakes set, Kieran half-lifted Bonny in and planted a firm kiss on her lips in the process.
“Let’s get you out of here so you can celebrate.” They wheeled through the double doors and into the hubbub of the waiting room.
What a way to begin a honeymoon... #RomSus #Christfic #WithinGoldenBands Share on XOut-Takes: It’s Really Happening
The hospital atmosphere took on a dreamy quality. They were going to tell her best friends a miracle had taken place. Perhaps trust might come easier now with Kieran at her side.
Kari MacDowell, Bonny’s best friend since they were fifteen years old, stood and moved toward her as she and Kieran entered the crowded lobby. Kari’s sleek black ponytail swayed as she walked. Blue eyes glittered under the sharp contrast of ebony lashes against alabaster skin sprinkled with tiny freckles. Her tightly pressed lips revealed concern and surprise. “Dan went for the car. That has to be one of the shortest emergency room visits on record. You must not be too sick.”
“Not too.” Kieran winked and headed for a water fountain. “Ach, New Mexico air makes me thirsty.”
Kari bent and clasped Bonny’s hand. “I’ve never seen anyone get such rapid attention just on their husband’s insistence. How did he do it?”
“You don’t know my husband very well. Did you notice how much stronger his accent got? Works every time, even in Scotland. If blue eyes and charisma don’t melt them, the imposing size and Scottish burr will. It’s ten times more effective if he’s wearing a kilt. And believe me, my man knows when to turn on the charm. I’ll give you all the details in the car.”
After planes, airports, and hospitals, the clear New Mexico air smelled wonderful. Kieran assisted Bonny into the backseat of Dan’s Suburban and climbed in after her. She nestled into the delicious warmth of his arms.
Kari buckled her seatbelt and turned around. “You delayed your honeymoon by six weeks for Kieran to recover after an insane poacher tries to kill him, and now you have a stomach bug? Are you two jinxed?”
Kieran’s chest expanded under her cheek so far, Bonny expected buttons to pop off his shirt any moment, but he remained silent. The choking sensation in her throat threatened to prevent her from saying the words aloud. “I … I’m pregnant. Six weeks.”
“Whoot!” Dan pounded one hand on the steering wheel. “I guess doctors don’t know everything.”
Kari reached back for her hand. “Bonny, our babies will only be six months apart. It sure didn’t take you long.”
“We’ve waited so long for everything. I guess God decided to bless us all at once.”
With hands on her rounded abdomen, Kari smiled as Dan merged onto northbound I-25. “We have news too. We’re having twins.”
“Twins! If I wasn’t totally out of it, I might have noticed how big you’ve gotten. But shouldn’t they have discovered that sooner?”
Kari’s face reddened. We knew at your wedding but waited to tell you. It was your special time.”
Dan reached over and patted his wife’s expanding midsection. “My little beach ball.”
Bonny laughed at the thought of Dan, combat-hardened Marine, sheriff’s deputy, and her best friend since the church nursery as a father. She nestled deeper into Kieran’s arms. The strong, solid bond eased the sensation of floating in a dream. “Don’t tell anyone. After all my problems, we plan to be cautious. I’ll see Dr. Carson while we’re here.”
Dan’s blue eyes twinkled in the rearview mirror as he took the ramp from I-25 toward I-40 east. “Sure, Bon. It sounds as if you’ll have a quiet honeymoon, Kieran, old buddy. You and I might need to go fishing for a few days while these two talk babies.”
Favorite scenes often end up as out-takes, the backstory of a book... #backstory #amwriting #NEWRELEASE Share on X“We could use little downtime.” His chest vibrated with baritone resonance under her cheek. “Our lives have been a wee bit out of control, in case you hadn’t noticed. I can think of no better way to spend our honeymoon.”
God was giving her new husband a second chance for the family he longed for. He’s shown her the grave in the Fort William kirkyard where his infant son Liam rested in Bronwyn’s arms, both dead from complications of childbirth. The depression caused by his first wife’s death had ceased, but sadness lingered in the farmhouse where her touch remained in every room.
Kieran’s smile of adoration set Bonny’s heart kathumping in a rapid rhythm. One calloused thumb stroked her cheek, and he planted a warm kiss on her forehead. The scent of his woodsy, Scottish cologne didn’t affect her stomach, and she inhaled again. He was hers. They were a family. God was good.
The majestic and rugged Sandia Peak, rising over 10,000 feet east of the city, caught Bonny’s eye. Painted in brilliant shades of pink by the afternoon sun, these were called the watermelon mountains. Recollections of her childhood home on the other side of the mountain added to her flood of emotions. The loneliness of living there after the death of her parents and a broken engagement sent her to Scotland—and Kieran. Hot tear swelled up. This trip would decide whether they kept the house or not. Sharp pain stabbed deep in her heart at the idea of selling her childhood home.
“What is it, love?” Kieran bent forward, his face close.
My heart’s in the highlands … The Robert Burns poem echoed in her mind, and she pointed. The Scottish sheep farmer and soon-to-be-pastor holding her in his arms was now her life, but the sensation overwhelmed her, nonetheless. “Home.”
“Do you miss it so much, then?”
“No. I mean I do, but not the way you think. This time you’re here as my husband, and I’m a total mess today. I’m sorry.”
His cobalt eyes clouded to steely gray, and lips thinned to a tense white line as his arms tightened around her. Memories of a sunny day in the hospital garden after the car accident played in her mind. The day she refused his marriage proposal and sent him home to Scotland alone still haunted her. Did he doubt her commitment when their newly conceived child grew beneath the hand he rested on her abdomen?
What happens when favorite scenes are cut from a book? #amwriting #authorlife #backstory Share on XOut-Takes: More to Come
Next week I’ll offer another a peek into Kieran and Bonny’s honeymoon. If you haven’t read the book, I hope this makes you curious to see what happens next!
About the author:
Norma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.
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Kill Your Darlings: The Plague of Novelists
“Kill your darlings” is a phrase dreaded by every fiction writer. To cut scenes, which bring readers to our level of knowledge about the characters is painful. However, a book is often stronger if some aspects of the past remain hidden.
Kill Your Darlings: The Plague of Novelists
“Kill your darlings” is a phrase dreaded by every fiction writer. The story that exists in our mind pours forth like water over a breached dam when we begin to write. To cut scenes, which bring readers to our level of knowledge about the characters is painful. However, a book is often stronger if some aspects of the past remain hidden.
Kill your darlings is a phrase dreaded by every fiction writer... #editing #amwriting #authorlife Share on XTo Kill Your Darlings Increases Action
Two favorite scenes from my most recent book, Within Golden Bands, never made it to the book. I still feel the lack. After all, those who love my characters would enjoy these scenes as much as I do. They were written well, explained the inner workings of my character’s minds, and filled in some blanks. So why cut them?
In the first place, as fiction writers, we must draw readers in from the first word. It’s called beginning in media res, in the middle of the action. Begin too slow and lose the interest of readers, editors, and publishers. Start with the action. To know all the whys and how’s won’t make readers turn pages.
For example, my newlywed characters, believe they will never have children. Her diagnosis created turmoil in their dating relationship in Land of My Dreams. It’s no spoiler to say that she became pregnant. The back cover copy gives it away. I longed to share the honeymoon scene where their prayers for a child are answered. However, a sweet, sentimental scene doesn’t drive people to discover what happens next. I wrote it. Loved it. And cut it.
I wrote it. Loved it. And cut it. #amediting #writers #fiction Share on XTo Kill Your Darlings Moves the Story Forward
The second reason to slash scenes is a nasty element called word count. Every word matters. Each scene must move the story forward.
Readers wanted characters from the first book to return in the sequel. I relished a reunion. When my newly married lovebirds, filled with the joy of a miracle pregnancy, met her former fiancé sparks flew. Animosity leaped from the page. In the analysis, it satisfied me but pulled readers backward. My word count fell. I had more words to use where they counted the most.
Sometimes a glimpse into the past works. Save your cuts in a file. I sprinkled bits of my beloved scenes in where a little reminiscing fit well.
In conclusion, the key to a fast-paced story is to start with action, move it forward with every scene, and don’t look back too much. Be willing to kill your darlings to make a better book.
Start with action, move it forward with every scene, and don’t look back too much. Be willing to kill your darlings to make a better book. #books #amwriting #writingtips Share on X© Norma Gail Holtman, May 18, 2020
About the author:
Norma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.
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Creation of a Setting: The Place of My Dreams
Creation of a story setting is one of the most important tasks of an author, and one I enjoy. The story world lives in my mind as vividly as if I lived there myself.
Within Golden Bands
The Creation of Setting for Stonehaven Farm
Loch Garry, Scotland is the setting for Kieran’s Stonehaven Farm, in both Land of My Dreams and Within Golden Bands. The loch, located in the central Highlands of Scotland, owns a unique beauty. In reality, its main claim to fame is the unique perspective of a map of Scotland when viewed from the A87 highway. The odd shape is due to a dam built for hydroelectric power in the early 1960s. However, I spent only fifteen minutes at the overlook on our trip to Scotland in 2006.
In order to create a farm that doesn’t exist, I studied hundreds of photographs online. The location near the bridge across the loch is for purely romantic reasons. The photographs have been my screensaver for 8 years now. I dream of a return trip to Scotland and the opportunity to stay in a “holiday rental,” looking out over the place of my dreams.
Creation of a story setting is one of the most important tasks of an author... #storyworld #setting #amwriting Share on XCreation of Kieran’s Farmhouse
The MacDonell family farmhouse is the actual location of Ardochy House, where there are three self-catering cottages. Built originally as an 18th Century shooting lodge, the house is the perfect place for my Scottish sheep farmer’s home. With beautiful bay windows overlooking the loch and sheep in the fields, it settled into my heart. The descriptions of the house arose in my imagination from places we stayed or visited on our trip to Scotland.
Of course, my favorite room is the library, decorated in MacDonell tartan, and the clan crest engraved above the fireplace. Though I prefer the modern, red MacDonell tartan, I chose the ancient tartan of blue and green. Kieran is nothing if not a man of respect for ancient tradition and heritage. I also chose the older spelling of McDonnell, rather than the more common McDonnell.
The descriptions of the house arose in my imagination from a real home on the shores of Loch Garry. #setting #authorlife #WithinGoldenBands Share on XLocation of My Story World
Glengarry, the narrow valley where the loch sits, was once the home of the MacDonnell’s of Glengarry, now populated by only a few estates. The depopulation occurred during the Highland Clearances in the 1750s to 1860s. Wealthy landowners drove out the small farmers and crofters, similar to share-croppers, in order to expand their sheep herds. Today, the glen is known for brown trout fishing, deer stalking, and Munro-bagging, the climbing of mountains over 3000 feet tall.
In Within Golden Bands, the areas disputed by the miserable antagonist, Gavin Gunn are all south of the loch. To plan each scene, I spent hours on Google searches, examined maps, and lived in my imagination. I discovered pictures of the islands at the end of the loch for the place where Bonny rode her horse, Misty when upset with Kieran.
I lived in my imagination to plan each scene. #fictionauthors #Scotland #romance Share on XMy husband and I shopped in Fort William and stayed at the Highland Hotel on Loch Linnhe. It is a charming town at the foot of Ben Nevis, which we were fortunate enough to see on a clear day. Belford Hospital, where Bonny spends time is real, and she and Eilidh shop on the High Street.
Within Golden Bands, Romantic Suspense set in Scotland coming May 19th! #Christfic #RomSus #preorder Share on XCreation of Prizes Related to the Story
The Buchan Thistle pottery Bonny uses for everyday dishes is unique, hand-painted Scottish pottery. During the Book Launch Party on May 19th, one lucky member of the Team will win a small vase! The other big prize, a small Nambe ware serving bowl, comes from Bonny’s home state of New Mexico!
Obviously, readers will imagine Bonny and Kieran’s world in their own minds. However, since many of the places exist in the real world, I wanted to share some photos. Enjoy the beauty of my story world!
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About the author:
Norma Gail writes Fiction to Refresh Your Spirit. Her contemporary novels, Land of My Dreams, which won the 2016 Bookvana Religious Fiction Award, and Within Golden Bands (releasing May 19, 2020), explore the theme of women whose faith triumphs over trials. A women’s Bible study leader for over 21 years, her devotionals and poetry have appeared at ChristianDevotions.us, the Stitches Thru Time blog, Inspire a Fire, and in “The Secret Place.” She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Romance Writers of America, Historical Writers of America, and the Women’s Fiction Writers Association. Norma is a former RN who lives in the mountains of New Mexico with her husband of 44 years. They have two adult children. To connect with her, you can follow her blog, or join her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Goodreads, BookBub, or Amazon.
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