Posts Tagged "Jesus"

Live To the Lord

Posted by on Feb 18, 2013 | Comments Off on Live To the Lord

Live To the Lord
This devotional touches on an event that forever changed my life and that of my family. Even in the midst of agonizing grief, we can know for certain that if we have lived for the Lord Jesus Christ, we will be with Him in heaven.
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The New Year: Peace on Earth?

Posted by on Dec 31, 2012 | Comments Off on The New Year: Peace on Earth?

The New Year: Peace on Earth?
The New Year is coming, but we seem further than ever from peace on earth. We continue to hope, year after year, however, our world situation grows more uncertain by the day. True peace comes from only one source. Begin this year with the only sure way to live with peace and hope.
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Giving Good Gifts – Part Two

Posted by on Dec 10, 2012 | Comments Off on Giving Good Gifts – Part Two

Giving Good Gifts – Part Two
Nothing fills the heart with Christmas cheer like giving gifts to those who would have nothing if not for the generosity of others.
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Giving Good Gifts – Part One

Posted by on Dec 3, 2012 | 7 comments

Giving Good Gifts – Part One
This year, concentrate on God’s perfect gift. No matter our station in life, our need is the same. God’s specialty is giving good gifts.
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Fire Insurance

Posted by on Jun 27, 2011 | 7 comments

Fire Insurance
Living in the mountains of a drought-ridden state, we live in a constant alertness that fire could destroy everything we own in a moment. We can buy fire insurance for our home and possessions, but have you taken care of getting the only certain fire insurance for your life–the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ?
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