Posts Tagged "Jesus"

Bounce, Don’t Break by Penny L. Hunt

Posted by on Mar 4, 2016 | 2 comments

Bounce, Don’t Break by Penny L. Hunt

Sometimes events in life leave you feeling like you were just t-boned by an eighteen-wheeler. When nothing is going right and you don’t know how you’ll survive, it’s time to learn how to Bounce, Don’t Break! My guest, speaker and author, Penny L. Hunt has survived some pretty turbulent times. Please take time to leave a comment and sign in on the Rafflecopter for even more chances to win a Kindle copy of her book! I know you’ll love it!

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Never Alone

Posted by on Feb 22, 2016 | 8 comments

Never Alone

Sometimes we are just alone. There can be hundreds of people around us, maybe even people suffering like we are, but we feel alone. God promises to never leave us alone. I hope you are blessed.

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The Pain of Rejection

Posted by on Feb 15, 2016 | 2 comments

The Pain of Rejection

My guest today is author, Martin Wiles. His thoughts on rejection and the pain it causes will resonate with everyone on some level. He shows us the promise of God to never reject us.

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Poorly Peeled Potato Phobia by Alisha Ritchie

Posted by on Jan 25, 2016 | 5 comments

Poorly Peeled Potato Phobia by Alisha Ritchie

Our words have the power to build someone up or tear someone down. Harsh words can wound the spirit, even create a phobia related to the criticism that lasts a lifetime. My guest, Alisha Ritchie, shares encouragement we all need from time to time.

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Emotional Barometer by Andrea Merrell

Posted by on Nov 2, 2015 | 4 comments

Emotional Barometer by Andrea Merrell

We all know the feeling. We think we have forgiven someone, but the mention of their name creates turmoil in our hearts. My guest, Andrea Merrell shares how to forgive and learn to love those who have offended us. 

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