But God
Are your struggles too hard? Do you question where God is leading? Every Christian goes through periods of trials and testing, but God will see you through and bring you out with stronger faith and a more powerful testimony on the other side. He will not leave you alone.
Read MoreAll We Like Sheep by Marilyn Wentz
Marilyn Bay Wentz is a journalist, editor, and author of both Christian devotionals and fiction, and sheep-raiser. Her new devotional book, All We Like Sheep : Lessons from the Sheepfold is a delightful look at some of the reasons God so often uses sheep as examples in scripture. Get acquainted with Marilyn and leave a comment or sign in on the Rafflecopter at the end for a chance to win her new book.
Surrender – A 2MefromGod Devotional
Surrender is a word that normally symbolizes defeat, but this is not always true. We all have times when it seems we cannot take one more disappointment, one more heartache, one more rejection. It is in those times that surrender to God can bring peace and allow us to move forward in faith.
Read MorePrecious Scars
Sin leaves scars, but like trees touched by drought, God sends His healing to make our scars into things of beauty when we give everything to Him. I would love to hear your comments!
Read MoreOpen the Door – 2MefromHim Devotional
Open the door to Jesus. It is the key to finding the love, peace, and help to navigate the difficult circumstances of life!
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