Bounce, Don’t Break by Penny L. Hunt
Sometimes events in life leave you feeling like you were just t-boned by an eighteen-wheeler. When nothing is going right and you don’t know how you’ll survive, it’s time to learn how to Bounce, Don’t Break! My guest, speaker and author, Penny L. Hunt has survived some pretty turbulent times. Please take time to leave a comment and sign in on the Rafflecopter for even more chances to win a Kindle copy of her book! I know you’ll love it!
Read MoreBounce, Don’t Break by Penny L. Hunt
“When life T-bones you like an eighteen wheeler, Bounce, Don’t Break: Stories, reflections, and words of encouragement through times of change…” My guest author, Penny Hunt, shares how God can help turn your defeat into victory through personal stories and experiences. Please leave a comment to be entered to win a Kindle copy. Sign in on the Rafflecopter at the bottom for even more chances to win!