The Steps of Life by Martin Wiles
The steps of life may be slippery, steep, and rocky at times, but God has a purpose for each and every one. Martin Wiles shares how those steps are intended for our good if we only look to God for the purpose. We would love to hear your comments! May your path be straight this week!
Read MoreFearfully and Wonderfully Made
Holding my tiny great nephew in my arms, I was once again amazed at the infinite love and care taken by our Creator God in fashioning the human body. No matter how large it grows, the scarring from accidents, the marring of body piercing or tattoos inflicted by its inhabitant, the human body is fearfully and wonderfully fashioned by God. It functions with amazing and intricate capabilities, surviving horrible destructive forces and fighting for survival to its last breathe–so “fearfully and wonderfully” crafted by its Maker.
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