This week I want to introduce you to Sandra Ardoin, author of the Christmas novella, The Yuletide Angel. You can win a Kindle copy of her book by entering using the Rafflecopter at the end of the page. This is one you won’t want to miss!
Fabulous Fridays
Tell us, Sandra, when did you first discover that you were a writer?
I think that came when I sold my first short story in 1996. I’d been writing short pieces like devotions, greeting cards, and posters since 1986, but really didn’t feel like an “author” until then.
Are you a full-time writer or do you hold a day job?
I am a full-time writer. I work all day Monday through Friday. The work sometimes bleeds into Saturday, though I prefer not to do much then. I don’t work on Sunday.
What is the biggest challenge/obstacle you face in protecting your writing time?
That’s easy. It’s the business end of writing—everything that doesn’t include working on my latest project. While sometimes it can be enjoyable, it’s a time suck when it comes to getting in my word count. I’m a slow writer anyway. Writing is art, but publishing is business and those things are necessary to the business end.
What are three things most people don’t know about you?
I wasn’t born in a barn, but I lived in one once.
I had my jaw broken—on purpose.
I’m a late bloomer in just about everything.
How did you come up with the idea for The Yuletide Angel?
I wanted to write a Christmas novella with a deadline and experimented with several plots—contemporaries. I got near the end of the one I settled on and couldn’t stand it. But, hey, I’m a historical writer. What did I think I was doing writing a contemporary?
With time running out, I went back to my original ideas, found the 1,800 words I’d written on The Yuletide Angel, and really like them—even though I had no clue as to where the story was going. I like to say God spit this one out. As usual, He did a great job, because it’s done well.
Tell us something about the book.
The themes involve forgiveness and pride. Hugh thinks he’s forgiven his brother for a past betrayal, but learns he’s not quite there yet. Violet must reconsider her method of giving and how it affects her life and faith.
What do you think makes your style of storytelling unique?
Good question and one I have to think about.
I try to go deep into my characters to find out why they do what they do. A lot of times that doesn’t happen for me until I’m well into the book. You can only go so deep with a novella word count, so I think this book is “sweeter” than anything I’ve written so far—not quite as much emotional upheaval. Besides, Christmas stories should be light and uplifting, shouldn’t they?
What do you want your readers to gain by reading your book?
Enjoyment. I want them to read the last line and sigh after having spent two hours with a couple who learn a little something about themselves while helping others.
Share with us about a unique Christmas tradition in your family, or your favorite part of Christmas.
My favorite part of Christmas has always been the loud, crowded house. It’s something I wish we experienced these days, but with our family spread in various states east of the Mississippi, it’s not the case.
Please tell us about the other books have you written, whether published or not? Would you like to tell us about your next book?
I’ve written five other full novels and one novella—all unpublished. One novel will never see the light of day. Two are the first two books in a series that I hope will eventually find a home. The other two I’d like to rework for submission.
My next book (due to release in January 2016) is a follow-up novel to The Yuletide Angel and revolves around Kit Barnes, a secondary character in the novella. It’s working title is A Reluctant Melody. I’m in the midst of writing it now.
Please tell us about your book.
It’s Christmastime in 1890s Meadowmead, and someone is venturing out at night to leave packages at the homes of the needy. Dubbed The Yuletide Angel, no one knows the identity of this mysterious benefactor.
No one, except Hugh Barnes, a confirmed bachelor who finds himself drawn to the outwardly shy but inwardly bold Violet Madison, a young woman who risks her safety to help others.
When Violet confesses her fear of eviction from her childhood home, Hugh longs to rescue her. His good intentions are thwarted, however, when Hugh’s estranged brother shows up in town … and in Violet’s company.
But Violet faces an even bigger threat. A phantom figure lurks in the shadows, prepared to clip the wings of The Yuletide Angel.
Sandra, please give us the first page of your book.
December 1890
Hugh Barnes hid behind the winter skeleton of an oak tree near the rundown house on Kelsey Street and watched a shadowy figure creep up the porch steps. By the dull beam of the cloud-covered moon, he distinguished more movement than features. He needed no light to discern who skulked outside the widow’s clapboard house. According to local accounts, he was witnessing a visit by The Yuletide Angel.
After opening the front door and leaving a flour sack bulging with good will, the angel tiptoed away. At the road, she turned and swept back toward town, her dark skirts swaying with her quick, bold steps.
Hugh blew a warm breath on his cold hands and stepped out from behind the tree. He kept his distance, but made certain the town’s Christmas-season Samaritan remained in sight as she delivered food to someone else in need. He frowned as the crisp, December air bit his face. A bout of insomnia had led him to his bedroom window in time to see her leave her home well after midnight. Curiosity caused him to follow.
About the author:
Sandra Ardoin is a multi-published author of short fiction who writes inspirational historical romance. Her Christmas novella, The Yuletide Angel, is available on Amazon. She’s the married mother of a young adult and lives in North Carolina.
How can readers find you on the Internet?
Website: www.sandraardoin.com
Book Title: The Yuletide Angel
10 Digit ISBN: 1941103898
Publisher: Heritage Beacon/Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas
Genre: Christian Historical Romance
Release Date: October 15, 2014
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you for having me, Norma! 🙂
You are so welcome, Sandra!
Thank you for having me, Norma!
You are so welcome, Sandy!
I’m definitely going to be adding this to my reading list!!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you’ll make it a habit!
Thank you, Tabby! 🙂
Sounds like an interesting read!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you’ll become a regular!
Another Ardoin? You must be a long, lost relative, Lisa! 🙂
Thank you NormaGail and Sandra Ardoin for the beautiful interview. I feel very inspired after reading the excert from the book. What a beautiful story of hope and forgiveness. I really could use the happiness reading this book brings me.
Thank you, Deanne! 🙂
You are very welcome! I hope you will visit often!
Looks like a really good read…would love the chance to win.
Thanks for visiting! I hope you’ll be back again!
I appreciate it, Jen! 🙂
Looks like a great book. We will need to make time fly thru 2015 so that we can read the follow-up! Get to writing there, Sandra!! 🙂
My fingers are flying, Mary! 🙂 Thank you!